包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – use the Camera2 API to get a single image and display it using ImageView
I want to use the Camera2 API to get a single frame from the camera and display it using ImageView. I found some close…… -
What is the event identifier in Android neura?
I am using the neura SDK and trying to receive events through webhook. It requires me to provide event identifiers and…… -
Android studio loads but does not display
I downloaded and installed Android studio, but there was no response after loading (no error message), and the IDE did…… -
Read data continuously from the ble in the Android application
I want to continuously read data from ble hardware in Android application through Bluetooth. The connection is complet…… -
Android – how to run appium test scripts through Jenkins
I am a novice of appium and Jenkins' test framework. My question is, can I run appium test scripts through Jenkins? If…… -
Android – draw text on bitmap
I'm trying to put text on the map marker, but it always appears below it. First, I convert drawable to bitmap, and the…… -
Android performance: useless global variables and inheritance
Suppose I have objects a and B that extend A. B has global variables (an array and some counters) that are not related…… -
Summary of mobile front end development experience
This document is aimed at mobile front-end development, including web pages in hybrid and non native applications. Inv…… -
Android realm supports Maven or has the latest resources of jar
I have a strange use case here. My project is divided into two modules, one is the server project and the other is @ L…… -
Exception invalid restrictions – Android
I'm trying to put JSON objects in the SQLite database private void addList(String info){ try { JSO…… -
Logback Android: what is tagencoder?
I'm using logback Android( https://github.com/tony19/logback-android ), and try to set up some logback modes. So I m…… -
The scrolling view signatureview inside does not work
>I put the signatureview into Android Scrollview. > but when I write on the signatureview, I can't write my logo…… -
Android simulator cannot display apps correctly (Android studio)
I'm making a basic phrase application (I mentioned this in the previous question), and then everything changes. Howeve…… -
Nested constraint layouts ignore external constraints
At present, I try to nest two constraint layouts with each other. For this purpose, I use the < include / > labe…… -
Why does Android studio automatically download gradle when I build a project?
When I import the project into Android studio, it will automatically download gradle zip. Is there a way to build my p…… -
Android – runtime permissions don’t work the second time
I can build applications with runtime permission. The first time I start the screen, the second time I start the scree…… -
Jenkins was unable to create a new Android emulator: the AVD configuration file could not be resolved
Settings for Android Emulator when it fails [android] Using Android SDK: /opt/android-sdk-linux [android] Creating And…… -
Android – how to set custom headers for WebView requests in react native
I want to be able to detect that HTTP requests come from the WebView component in my application on rails server-side …… -
Java – how do I check if GPS is programmatically turned on in Android 4.4 and later?
This question has been answered here: > How do I get the current GPS location programmatically in Android? 22 I've …… -
Android – your device is not compatible with this version
I developed an application and its application in the alpha test phase of the game store. I used several devices to te…… -
Android official service details
Service class I. overview whether a service represents the desire of an application to perform long-running operations…… -
Prevent quick clicks on multiple controls?
I have encountered a problem to prevent quick clicking on multiple controls in the xamarin.forms PCL project on Androi…… -
Divideritemdecoration does not display Android
I have a simple layout for recycler view items <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:a…… -
Networkonmainthreadexception in Android flatmap
I am new to rxjava or rxandroid. I want to change asynctask and callback to observable and subscriber. But I have ques…… -
Android gets data from the list view
I am currently programming an app with the list view, which is full of data from the SQLite table, as shown below: pub…… -
How do I check the free trial version of transactions in Android subscriptions?
Is it possible to know that the subscription was purchased as a free trial? At present, I can't find a method to perfo…… -
What is the difference between Java setonitemclicklistener and only onItemClick
I searched the Internet and read the documents in the Google Android help center, but I still don't know the differenc…… -
Scrolling in clips is not available for tablayout
I insist on scrolling the fragment into the layout. This is my mainactivity class public class Mainctivity extends…… -
Java – how to make error prone code ignore the generated source code?
I recently discovered error prone and integrated it into my android version using the gradle plugin linked on its page…… -
android-resultCode == RESULT_ OK does not work in redmi note3
Hi, I want to capture an image and do something about it in the next activity. I try to run the following code in Sams…… -
Android face detection API – stored video files
I want to use the Android vision FaceDetector API to perform face detection / tracking on video files (for example, MP…… -
Android tablayout selected label background
Is there really no simple way to use tablayout and set the color of the tab (checked, unchecked)? Just as the backgrou……