包含标签:Android 的文章
Permission denied: open provider com.android.providers.media.mediadocumentsprovider
I'm trying to allow a user to access his photo gallery to get a profile picture and save it to SharedPreferences. I al…… -
When you add a clip, bottomnavigationview is not at the bottom
I am a beginner of Android. Today I created a bottomnavigationview activity. I want to display three tabs with navigat…… -
How do I access the files of unity application stored inside Android?
I'm using the easymovietexture plug-in. I want to access the Android folder where all videos are saved. First, I try t…… -
Android – include date selector in maximum date
I'm trying to use the Android date selector to select a date range through two inputs. The start date takes the end da…… -
SnackBar on Java Android without changing the theme
When I created a snack bar on Android, the following error occurred: "java.lang.illegalstateexception: you need to use…… -
Hide the progress bar after loading WebView in Android
When I add this code to my code, I want to know what the problem is web.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() { pub…… -
Android mapbox tag offset
I have to set the tag offset to the bottom (center by default). I found how to do this on JS or IOS, but how to do it …… -
The Android toolbar displays the end of the title
I have an application where users can learn more about the structure and want to display it in the toolbar, such as 1 …… -
Running Android studio simulator on Core 2 Duo 10.11.6 Mac OS
Can I run @ L on Core2 Duo (2008) Mac OSX El Capitan_ 404_ 0 @ studio simulator (AVD)? thank you resolvent: After thre…… -
Why does bufferedinputstream. Read() return – 1 in Android nougat when used to return 0?
When testing the application on Android N devices, I found many new problems related to the way I use bufferedinputstr…… -
Android resource directory name is invalid, drawable-anydpi-v21
I want to build my application and send it to my Samsung tablet using Android 4.2.2. But I also want my application to…… -
Why does the OpenGL shader blending function of two transparent PNG photos turn black?
Photo 1 is: Photo 2 is: Of course, photo 2 is partially transparent But when I mix them in shaders like this: vec4 add…… -
Why can’t strictmode capture SQLite read / write operations?
In my app, I set the following settings for strictmode: StrictMode.setThreadPolicy(new StrictMode.ThreadPolicy.Bui…… -
Rendering problem the following class could not be found – android.support.v7.widget.appcompattextview
I'm new to Android studio. My project is running and executing, but every time I click activity_ When using main.xml, …… -
Java – how to sort the list by string value (Persian letter)?
Invalid Sign This is my code: public class Student { private String name; private int number; public Str…… -
Android custom transition from child to parent activity
I have 2 activities. Activitya is the parent activity of activityb: My manifest file: <activity android:nam…… -
Android ad size (smart banners are not always valid)
I have encountered a very annoying AdMob problem and its banner size. The size of smart banner is really a good thing.…… -
Java – unable to detect an existing phone number
I want to see if there are contacts in the contact database. I propose the following code: However, if there are conta…… -
Android: how to tell shrinkresources to reserve certain resources
I have an MP3 and an Ogg file in my RES / raw folder for Android media player. I use setdatasource like this musicPlay…… -
Why does chromebook “not support” Android my app?
I know there are other similar problems in so, but none of them can be solved directly My androidmanifest.xml contains…… -
Android – add a ripple background effect on a white background
I want to add ripple effect to my recycle bin view item. Android: background = "? Android: attr / selectableitembackgr…… -
Android – how to get the daily motion video list
I want to get the video list from daily sports. I have registered daily sports. It retrieves the API key and secret ke…… -
Why do I get an error: initialize tensorflow?
I'm trying to build an. APK file through this tutorial- https://www.oreilly.com/learning/tensorflow-on-android I want …… -
Android – client token not found, please set client token
I'm trying to create a login using Facebook in Android and I'm having this problem. I'm not sure what I can't see or s…… -
What are the advantages and disadvantages of asynctask in the Java Android framework?
I'm learning Android application development from udacity.com by Google engineers. They say, "Using 'asynctask' is not…… -
Android – how to play. MP3 files in the shuttle application?
I wrote a dart web application that retrieves. MP3 files from the server and plays them; I'm trying to write a mobile …… -
Design and implementation of property management system for living quarters based on Android (7)
Title: design and implementation of property management system for living quarters based on Android time: 2016 source:…… -
Android – error retrieving item’s parent: cannot find resource matching the given name ‘theme. Appcompat. Light. Darkactionbar’. Xamarin Visual Studio
Well, it gave me 9 style.xml errors, the content is Just like I use visual studio in xamarin <?xml version="1.0…… -
What does attaching uimode to Android: configchanges actually do?
I just fixed the error in our application. The problem is that docking or undocking the device will cause the applicat…… -
Android – how to place item icons in the navigation drawer
I'm developing an application that uses the navigation drawer. When I try to place the item icon, it provides me with …… -
Android WiFi P2P remove group
I want to connect a device from one device to another. Therefore, what I want to do is to check whether the device is …… -
When is the runnable content published in postdelayed actually executed on Android?
I use postdelayed and some other code executed on the main thread. I run it several times and always see the following……