包含标签:Android 的文章
Kotlin in Android studio
I'm using it from kotlin, but when I synchronize it in the project, a bellows error occurs: Error:Could not find org.j…… -
The bottom navigation bar hides part of the view
In my application, I want to display a simple picture, On my Samsung Galaxy S7 real device, the image is very good. Th…… -
Www.text on Android device returned null
I'm using unity to develop an Android application. But I can't use it to connect to the Internet server. This gives an…… -
How to set infinite focus in Camera2 API of Android?
I want to set the focal length of the custom camera to infinity when using the external fisheye lens, which is what I …… -
C#- find files using Android device monitor from Android’s visual studio simulator
I have created files using my app and want to access files using the Android device monitor. This is the path I use st…… -
Android – displays the Google play game welcome dialog box when all apps start
The best example I try can be described by the behavior of the SimCity application (and I'm sure that many others I ma…… -
Java – no tabs for fragment display
I need to create a scrollable tab at the top of the application. Tabhost looks ok, but I don't need fragment display (…… -
How to refresh Android listview after syncadapter completes synchronization
I extended abstractthreadedsyncadapter to automatically synchronize data with the server every X minutes or when I man…… -
When using the navigation drawer in Android 5, the navigation bar is hidden but leaves space
I'm trying to develop a full screen application with two main activities: loginactivity and dashboardactivity Loginact…… -
Android GPU and CPU programming: inconsistent processing time
I am currently doing image tracking: due to the camera, I can track the finger touch interacting with the Android syst…… -
Android notification.bigtextstyle behavior
When I create a notification, I observe the following behavior Notification.setContextText("Teaser text. Read more...…… -
Android Google Analytics did not generate a configuration file, firebase conflict
At first, I included firebase and its analysis in my project. It works well, but compared with Google Analytics, I wan…… -
Copying Android gradle to dolast does not work
I'm trying to do a very simple thing. Since gradle will delete all the files in the build directory when cleaning up, …… -
The list view in the clip does not scroll
There is a table content in my activity, which has three tabs. Each tab content has a fragment, and they are named one…… -
Java – how to use fragment’s Spinner event in the main class?
The following code named presenter is my main course. I will replace fragment according to the problem public class Pr…… -
Android – without adsettings.addtestdevice, Facebook SDK ads will not work properly
This is the code I loaded the advertisement: adView = new AdView(this,getResources().getString(R.string.facebo…… -
Android firebase password verification
I have a forum that I am trying to create with firebase. Only users who know the password can access some sub forums. …… -
Android (Google login): how to verify the integrity of the ID token on the server?
I use this method to get ID token: GoogleSignInAccount acct = googleSignInResult.getSignInAccount(); String toekn_id =…… -
Android checks camera permissions in the target SDK 22 or earlier
I have this code to check the permissions of the camera if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 23) { Log.e("Permission State"…… -
Can I ignore the “incompatible gradle version” lint check if gradle overrides transivie dependencies?
I just violated this lint check: Some of my delivery dependencies will certainly not be updated to the latest supporte…… -
Android – why does the screen always have the wrong inch size?
I want to calculate the device size in inches. I'm using this code and it will appear every time I search. But the pro…… -
Android: how to display a full screen progress bar in the center
I'm trying to display the progress bar with a custom theme. But it's in the upper left corner instead of the center. I…… -
Android contacts: how does the find key work?
In addition to the contact ID, Android also got look_ Up key. Since the ID of the contact can be changed, you can use …… -
Change the background image when the audio file is running in the background in Android
When the audio file is running in the background, I try to change the image in the Android application, but there is a…… -
“There is no instance of type variable R, so observable complies with observable” error when updating to rxjava2
I am trying to call the API using retreading and rxjava. When using rxjava 1, the following code seems to work well, b…… -
Android – why does findlastcompletelyvisibleitemposition() return – 1?
I'm trying to use paging in fragments for endless recycler view. But the problems are as follows >Findlastcompletly…… -
Using WebView webgl from Android simulator
As far as I know, webgl is only supported in Android lollipop (update WebView component in play store) and later WebVi…… -
Group 10 alpha Sprint (1 / 4)
Team leader blog assignment blog It realizes the interface of login / registration / posting / adding, deleting and qu…… -
How to refresh resources in Android studio without restarting?
I'm resizing and changing the background picture. However, layout preview will refresh the image every time I have to …… -
Android: alertdialog closes only after the second click of any button
I have an alarm dialog box with input fields and two buttons (restore, save). When I click the back button on my phone…… -
No DRP key due to exception: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: com.android.webview.chromium.drp
Although the Android application built by the ionic framework running on the ionic framework has problems running on t…… -
Android develops a method to remove the underline of a link in HTML. From used by textview
class ClickURLSpan(url: String) : URLSpan(url) { companion object { fun stripUnderline(textView: TextView) {……