包含标签:Android 的文章
Android – is it safe to convert using getactivity()?
I am writing an application with a parent activity and several child fragments. I try to make the fragment communicate…… -
Android – how to query complex nested objects in the room?
I have several entities, as you can see below. The problem is how to correctly select nested lists when you have multi…… -
Java – Android OpenGL: illegalargumentexception direct buffer using native commands
Android developers! I'm in trouble. My Android application must use OpenGL to draw a few lines. I take this as an exam…… -
Android – how do I send applications to the background?
How do I send my application to the background code? How do I capture events when I press the home key? Thank you. res…… -
Android vs IOS choice
I am a java developer and I want to start developing mobile applications. The question is, which Android or IOS seems …… -
Android – the startactivity in onpause() is invalid after opening a new app
When my first activity is suspended, I start my second activity FirstActivity.java @Override public void onPause(){ …… -
java – Android gms:play-services:8.1.0 DexIndexOverflowException
After I changed GMS: play services: 7.5.0 to 8.1.0, the gradle build failed with multiple DEX exceptions The error is …… -
Android plug-in getting started guide, successful offer
This article has been included in the Tencent document of the open source project, which contains self-study programmi…… -
Android – ormlite sqliteexception: there is no such table
I use the following databasehelper and ormlite on Android: public class DatabaseHelper extends OrmLitesqliteOpenHelper…… -
Android – how do I slide the button bar in from the bottom when I click a check box in the listview?
I have a custom listadapter list view, which fills the list view with check boxes and some text views. When the user s…… -
Android – showcaseview cannot run without actionbar
If the application has a theme theme.appcompat.light.noactionbar and uses android.support.v7.widget.toolbar in the app…… -
Android – how to change the default color to tab host
I use the 2.2 SDK version. I use tabhost to display activities in tag view format. When I install the application on m…… -
Android – using layout_ Height is 0dip instead of wrap_ Content for better performance… How to delete this warning
How do I delete this warning? Using layout_ Height is 0dip instead of wrap_ Content can get better performance resolve…… -
Android: how to set all permissions?
How do I use all permissions in one step? Who knows this? Thank you in advance resolvent: In androidmanifest.xml, sele…… -
Android flip picture animation
I want to flip the image in Android by translating the animation For example: – suppose I have a card. When the transl…… -
Java – expected property getter or setter in kotlin
I'm learning kotlin from the official documentation. I'm trying to create a class to perform arithmetic operations cla…… -
Android – try to call the virtual method for the null object reference of SharedPreferences in the fragment of actionbaractivity
My application needs to access the shared preferences file in the background. Since I started using the actionbar acti…… -
Android – toast in onclick method in fragment
I have the following clip: public class FragmentSocial extends Fragment implements ActionBar.TabListener, OnClickListe…… -
Android – how do I get the window width and height of an activity?
I have a listfragment, which adds two views in the onactivitycreated() method - a MapView general view (persistent tit…… -
Java – progress bar on button in relative layout problem in Android studio
OK, this is a strange question. I hope someone can explain it to me I have a custom button layout and create a button …… -
Android – only use Proguard to disable logging and shrink resources
Build.gradle: buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true …… -
Android – how do I exit (only) the current activity if uncaughtexceptionhandler occurs?
I did some coding to test the specific use case of thread. Uncaughtexceptionhandler (described below) First, I impleme…… -
The implementation principle and method of Android process keep alive black technology are too clear
With the cooling of capital, the whole Internet market has gradually calmed down. Android application development can …… -
Java – Android – gettabhost() undefined
I started learning Java and how to program for Android last night:) So far, I'm reading this tutorial: developer.andro…… -
Android – how to convert strings to class names
I'm trying to convert a string to a class name. My code is: app.actNum = "third.class"; in.close(); …… -
Android – action bar item Click handler in fragment
I have a simple 2 activity application. The main activity fills in listfragment and the second activity fills in fragm…… -
Java – how to add a second table to the database in SQLite?
I have a database exam guide. I have created a table_ Subject and now I want to create a second table_chapter in this …… -
Android APK Decompilation
Apk file structure APK file is actually a zip compressed package, which can be unpacked by the decompression tool. The…… -
Android – trying to add multidex support – unable to find symbol context and multidex
Follow the instructions mentioned below: https://developer.android.com/studio/build/multidex.html#mdex -gradle I got a…… -
Why does eclipse insist on the package name of the Android project?
This is a new Android Developer and a newcomer to eclipse I downloaded and installed >JDK > Android SDK > ecl…… -
Java – how to add icons to the navigation drawer template in Android studio?
I am currently developing an application in which there are icons next to the text of each drawer. My goal is that the…… -
Android – my application leaked randomly shaped bitmaps that are not in my drawable folder
I have a strange memory leak problem. My application keeps leaking bitmap objects and other related objects, such as v……