包含标签:Android 的文章
Java – Android programming issues
Hello, I am a programmer who uses C / c# / VBS almost completely. Now I have just entered the Android development worl…… -
Android – start alertdialog.builder from service
I tried to launch the check box dialog box from the service by using alertdialog.builder, but I received the following…… -
Android – search in listview in fragment
Hey guys, I'm trying to implement the search function in listview built into the clip. The list view works normally, b…… -
Android – after I made a lot of requests with a lot of data, volley gave me a memory exception
I have a page viewer. I have a list view in each page. This list view will have 10 records of using web services. Ther…… -
Android datepicker and TimePicker: time date selector
The Android SDK provides datepicker and TimePicker components to select date and time respectively to facilitate date …… -
Java – how to handle tags in Android
I've been looking for a while and haven't been able to find the right answer for this one. To make a long story short,…… -
Android – no intention to delete / replace
I set the alarm clock when I click the button The alarm is triggered by intent This intention gets an additional "int"…… -
Android – job scheduler vs runnable: downlink?
For regular background tasks, I see that jobscheduler is often used. Or, there are jobservice and AlarmManager for sli…… -
Android – how do I delete a white screen that appears before the splash screen?
When opening a java file, I first look at the blank white screen, and then look at my startup screen layout. I have a …… -
Projects cannot be built using Android NDK and Android studio
I have an Android project with ffmpeg and other external libraries. I downloaded the latest version of NDK (ndk-r10) a…… -
White bitmap in Android
I want to set my home wallpaper with a white bitmap: Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, Bitmap.Con…… -
Android – is it possible to make action “clickable”?
I'm using the actionbarsherlock library for my API level 10 application. I wonder if it's possible to click an action …… -
Android – how to find out when the installation is complete
I am creating an application that installs applications downloaded from the server. I want to install these applicatio…… -
Android – how to use spinner in recyclerview?
Which is the best practice for handling spinner in the recyclerview Adapter? This is my recyclerview adapter: public c…… -
Set different directions for mobile phones and tablets on Android
I want to do the following in my application: >Portrait mode for mobile phones only > Portrait mode and landscap…… -
Android – how to programmatically create an integer password EditText
I need to programmatically create an EditText field. But it must be the inputtype of int and it must be a password fie…… -
Java – JSON parsing problem
Invalid Sign When I put it into the JSON object, it brings me an error. The error is: 08-31 14:40:52.281: warn / syste…… -
Android – the calendar gives me the wrong time and minutes
I'm trying to get the time of the timestamp, but when I use calendar.hour and calendar.minute, I always get the wrong …… -
How to check whether the current locale uses the 24-hour system in Android?
There is a time selector dialog box in my application. It works well, but I want to switch between 12 hour and 24-hour…… -
Java — invoke variables in string.xml
See English answer > Dynamic string using string.xml? 9 for complete code, see my previous question here If I want …… -
Java – intentservice does not have an empty constructor, but has a constructor
I have an intentservice in the activity. When I try to call the service, it will throw this error. I find it strange, …… -
Android – listview changes the text when an item is clicked
I have a list view built from textviews If the user clicks the item list, the text of the item will be changed. What s…… -
Java – how to merge two Android studio projects into one [copy]
See English answers > how to create jar for Android Library Project 8. I have a sinch project for messaging and my …… -
Android – colorful EditText tips
Is there any way to set multiple colors for the prompt of EditText when wrapping android.support.design.widget.textinp…… -
Android – use gson’s Google Analytics to deserialize and return the linkedtreemap
I'm trying to pass objects containing analytics reporting data in intent through broadcast. The problem is that deseri…… -
Java – how to force the Android camera to display in portrait mode or let me rotate
I'm a new post, so please! I've seen almost all the other problems related to this and tried the most, but I'm complet…… -
Android – align the underlined spinners in the same line next to the edit text
I have an EditText and an underlined spinner. I try to set the spinner next to EditText on the same line. Please help …… -
Eclipse did not load the Android SDK
I have a Ubuntu 8.04 x86_ 64 system. I installed the IA32 library and manually installed (i.e. non decompressed) eclip…… -
SQL – how to distinguish between two tables
I have two tables. I want to get all records from one table that are different from those in the second table For exam…… -
Android – changes the icons in the tablayout in the selected and deselected states
Sorry, if you have asked this question before I want to change the icon when I select the icon in the tab of the tab l…… -
Android – view.setbackground throws nosuchmethoderror
See English answer > setbackground vs setbackgrounddrawable (Android) 12 following codes: View inflate = inflater.i…… -
Android – Google Maps API V2 – authentication errors always occur
I've found a lot of questions about this - I'm ashamed myself But no matter how hard I try, I'm simple and can't run t……