包含标签:Android 的文章
Android implements the sideslip deletion of QQ class based on swiperefreshlayout
preface I remember last year, when I did a chat project, I needed to achieve a pull-down refresh similar to QQ and hav…… -
Android implements a picture verification code countdown function
1. As shown in the figure, it is necessary to realize the countdown effect of a verification code 2. Realization In th…… -
Detailed explanation of light sensor usage for Android programming
This paper describes the use of light sensor in Android programming. Share with you for your reference, as follows: An…… -
Explain in detail the precautions when using Android service
Recently, a project just used service, especially Aidl remote service. After this project, we have a better understand…… -
Click the web page a tag in wechat to directly jump to open the method example of Taobao app
First, let's look at the effect we want to achieve: @ h_ 403_ 5@ @H_ 403_ 5@@H_ 403_ 5@ This is an effect I accidental…… -
Detailed explanation of gravity sensor usage examples in Android Development
This article illustrates the usage of gravity sensor in Android development. Share with you for your reference, as fol…… -
Android imitation wechat @ friend function input @ jump and delete the whole block
Recently, when doing the chat function, there was a need to imitate the function of wechat as @ friend. I thought it w…… -
Android development implements simple observer and observed examples
This paper describes the simple observer and observed in Android development. Share with you for your reference, as fo…… -
Android custom vertical drag seekbar progress bar
The seekbar provided with Android is horizontal. To be vertical, you must write a class to inherit the seekbar. A simp…… -
New features and installation of Android studio 3.0
Android studio is the official ide of Android. It is designed for Android, which can speed up your development and hel…… -
Android auxiliary function to automatically grab red envelopes (with source code)
1、 Description @ h_ 502_ 5@ Recently, I saw the software used by my colleagues to grab red envelopes, so I wanted to …… -
Method of integrating react native into Android native project
Development environment preparation First, install all dependent software (such as NPM) required by react native on th…… -
Example of phrase highlighting textview method in Android
preface This article mainly introduces the relevant contents of the phrase highlighted textview implemented by Android…… -
Rollviewpager picture rotation effect open source framework usage details
Rollviewpager is an automatic rotation viewpager that supports infinite loops. When touching, the playback will be sus…… -
Android drawerlayout realizes sideslip menu effect
This example shares the specific code of the drawerlayout sideslip menu for your reference. The specific contents are …… -
Android custom view realizes the lottery function of QQ sports integral turntable
Because I occasionally pay attention to QQ sports and it's interesting to see the integral lottery interface of QQ spo…… -
Android uses rxbinding and rxjava2 to realize the countdown function of SMS verification code
Scenario: when registering the account page, we click the button to send the verification code. When waiting for the v…… -
Android serial communication package okusb example code
This paper introduces the sample code of okusb, which is encapsulated by Android serial communication, and shares it w…… -
Android gets and compresses bitmap images through URI
Android gets and compresses bitmap images through URI Many people will use media.getbitmap in onactivityresult to get …… -
Android develops a method to draw rounded rectangles on canvas using custom view
This article describes the method of drawing rounded rectangle on canvas by using custom view in Android development. …… -
Detailed examples of Android complete exit
Detailed examples of Android complete exit First, in the base class baseactivity, register rxbus to listen: This is th…… -
Method for Android to obtain system storage and memory information (2)
Android can obtain storage information and memory information, which can be viewed with ADB command. ADB view system m…… -
Implementation of Android pull parsing XML
Implementation of Android pull parsing XML Resource file: persons.xml Activity layout file activity_ main.xml javaBean…… -
Android studio upgrade to 3.0 terminal Chinese display exception resolution
If you encounter this problem, it should be caused by Zsh. If not, I can't help it. At least I solve it in this way. I…… -
Sideslip menu effect realized by drawerlayout in Android
As we all know, we are very familiar with a function in Android, the sideslip menu effect. In the past, most of us use…… -
How to use Android handlerthread
How to use Android handlerthread Handlerthread inherits from thread and internally encapsulates looper. Firstly, the m…… -
Android studio has been stuck in gradle: several solutions to build running
When using as to develop Android applications, we often encounter the situation that gradle build running is running a…… -
Detailed explanation of Android automatic tool class textutils
Today, let's talk about how to use Android's automatic tool class textutils. Simple enumeration of partial usage: The …… -
Android adds a full screen tilt watermark to any view
This article mainly introduces Android to add full screen tilt watermark to any view. The details are as follows, whic…… -
Android develops a method to obtain gravity acceleration and magnetic field strength
This paper describes the method of obtaining gravity acceleration and magnetic field strength developed by Android. Sh…… -
Android listview custom adapter implements QQ like interface
There are some simple adapters in PS: listview, such as: simpleadapter: construction method simpleadapter (context, co…… -
Detailed explanation of building material design application for Android
For a long time. Android's UI is not beautiful, so that many IT companies strongly require that the interface style of……