Java – what slows down this clojure feature?
I work in clojure project Euler problem 14 I have a good general algorithm and I get the correct results, but it is di…… -
Java – specify the appropriate table size for hash
If I have a 1000 key, what is the appropriate size of my hash table? Solution This depends on the load factor ("percen…… -
Java – what is the difference between asinstanceof [x] and tox for value types?
My ability to use IntelliJ to convert java code into Scala code, which usually works well It seems that IntelliJ repla…… -
ORM – architecture of business object / database access layer
For various reasons, we are writing a new business object / data repository One of the requirements of this layer is t…… -
Java – link from HTML to JSP
In dynamic web projects, I have – default HTML page <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" …… -
Java – find all concrete classes that implement abstract classes in eclipse
Click "F3" of change class in eclipse, Change change = refactoring.createChange(monitor); I can open class java. publi…… -
Java – how to add text to textarea instead of replacing it
OK, so I have a little new Java. I'm curious about how to add text to a textarea instead of replacing it I Know. Sette…… -
Java – button text disappears in KitKat (API level 19)
The main menu of my application (a game) uses standard Android buttons In addition to nexus 7 and Android 4.4 All equi…… -
Java – about the precision of float type
I can't understand why float f = Integer.MAX_VALUE; System.out.println(Integer.MAX_VALUE); System.out.println((int)f);…… -
Java – default parameter in jar manifest
Is there any way to create a jar file that contains some parameters passed to the main class? (no need to add paramete…… -
Java multithreading in notebook computers with quad core processors
I'm reading a java tutorial that says that actual multithreading does not occur on a machine with a single processor I…… -
Java: can I use two different names in an enumeration to count the same thing?
I have an enumeration course with main directions (North, East, South, West): public enum Direction { NORTH,EAST,S…… -
Java – forkjoinpool – why does the program throw outofmemoryerror?
I want to try forkjoinpool in Java 8, so I wrote a small program to search all files with names containing specific ke…… -
jpa – persistence. XML is used for multiple persistence units
I try to hold the same entity in MySQL and Postgres databases (this is mainly to identify any inconsistencies and expl…… -
Creating general Lambdas with Java
In Java, you can add a type parameter to a static method to create a method that handles generics Can you do the same …… -
Java – how to use graduates to delete specific permissions when building Android applications?
Recently, Google automatically merged licenses from Google services to the final version of APK My problem is that som…… -
How to use Java 8 stream iteration nested for loops to reference parent elements?
I want to use the Java 8 stream to iterate over the nested list and extract some results of the list at the first matc…… -
Java – use ActiveMQ, camel and spring to implement the request reply mode
I'm trying to implement the following features: Then read the CSV file line by line: >Build the request according t…… -
Java – spring boot and thymeleaf – remove strict HTML error checking
I use spring boot as an MVC application, and my view technology is thymeleaf One thing I need to do is copy the HTML o…… -
Java – Android – can you publish different applications with the same keystore file in multiple accounts?
There is already an answer to this question: > can I use the same keystore file to sign two different applications?…… -
How to clear HTTP from Java?
I am trying to perform purge using httpurlconnection as follows: private void callVarnish(URL url) { HttpURLConnec…… -
When compiling java with different versions of JDK, the same target and source versions are guaranteed to perform the same operation?
We will update our CI system from Java 7 creation to Java 8 After that, we want to migrate the projects to Java 8.0 on…… -
Java – how to improve the reliability of e-mail sending and delivery?
Current applications use simple java mail to send several emails a day, but some emails will never be sent to the clie…… -
Java – slf4j log4j recorder does not record
I want to use slf4j-log4j for the first time In each Java class, I define such a recorder: private org.slf4j.Logger lo…… -
java – React Native,Android Log.
Is there any way to see logs from Android's native (Java) modules on the machine? I am using the Javas log module http…… -
Java – I can’t have two keywords on the same line: Private Final… ()?
I know that when you create a method final in Java, it cannot be overwritten When a method is private, it can only be …… -
Error creating bean with name and singleton bean is not allowed
When I execute code through JUnit test case, I receive the following exception Can anyone suggest possible problems? T…… -
Java – will closing datainputstream also close FileInputStream?
FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(someFile.getPath()); FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(someF…… -
Java – Custom spring annotations for request parameters
I want to write a custom annotation that will modify the spring request or path parameters according to the annotation…… -
Redirect Java – version to a file or variable
This may be a stupid question, but I tried to redirect the exit of the "Java - version" command to a file or variable,…… -
Java – length in array and length () in string
When we talk about arrays and length (), why is the length of data fields when we talk about strings in Java? Means: i…… -
Java – why doesn’t this code cause concurrentmodificationexception?
I'm reading about concurrentmodificationexception and how to avoid it Found an article The code for the first list in ……