Error converting date in Java
String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); String date = jsonobject.getString("needbydate"); DateFormat df = ne…… -
Java – Dbunit does not clean up and insert the database after each method, so the test is not independent
I have a Dao class test. I use Dbunit to create and populate the database (using Derby in memory) This is the code (Te…… -
Java – Maven: the jar will be empty – nothing is marked as contained
I have a little problem with Maven When I run the command MVN package, I get the following warning: [warning] jar will…… -
Java – NetBeans keep transferring Maven repository indexes, even if I have disabled it
Although I have set index update frequency to never: NetBeans often try to transfer Maven repository indexes, which co…… -
Java – in SpriteBatch Nested shaperenders in begin / end begin / end
Whether shaperender can be used to draw shapes between the start and end calls of SpriteBatch I tried, but there was n…… -
Java – why are short primitive types significantly slower than long or int?
I try to optimize the RAM usage of Android games by changing the int primitive to short Before I did this, I was inter…… -
Java – why doesn’t Proguard confuse method bodies?
I'm using Proguard to confuse my Jar program Everything is normal, but Proguard does not confuse local variables in th…… -
Is it possible to get from javax naming. Initialcontext get “everything”?
See English answers > code to list all the entries in JNDI on remote machine Solution Check Javadoc and I can see L…… -
Java – ‘placeholder’ character to avoid positive comparison?
I'm studying codingbat exercises for Java I encountered the following problems: My code is like this: public int match…… -
Description of volatile variables in Java documents
Here mention Can anyone provide an example? T…… -
Java – primefaces UI: duplicate does not work
I'm trying to create an accordionpanel in primefaces I'm trying to create it using the UI: repeat, so I can create pan…… -
Java – use MapReduce to find the average of numbers
I've been trying to write some code to find the average of numbers using MapReduce I try to use global counters to ach…… -
Java – sliding into simpletarget does not comply with the specified width and height
I'm using glide to load the image, resize it, and save it to a file via simpletarget < bitmap > These images wil…… -
Java – ActiveMQ: dead letter queue keeps my message order
I use ActiveMQ as a proxy to deliver messages These messages are written in dabatase Sometimes, the database cannot be…… -
JavaFX displays properties in controls
I am completing the JavaFX tutorial for Oracle myself After years of rocking (a long time ago), I was fascinated by ne…… -
How to use Xdebug and eclipse IDE for PHP
Hello, my PHP project is set up on the remote test machine I need to use the eclipse IDE for debugging How can I impro…… -
How does Java – callable work under the hood? How do callable objects return values?
I'm trying to understand how callable returns a value when running on another thread I'm looking at the classes execut…… -
Java lower bound wildcard
I'm trying to solve this problem and wonder if anyone can explain it I have three classes of staff, people and angels …… -
Java – how to write cron jobs in play framework 2.3
I'm using play 2.3 8 (activator) & mongodb is DB I have some products in the product series. Each product has a va…… -
Java – fragment variable ondestroy ()
There is already an answer to this question: > ondestroy() – to set or not to set instance variables to null? one S…… -
java – android. view. Inflateexception: binary XML file line #9: error class expansion
I've been studying this problem for hours and similar errors, and the solution doesn't do that I reuse this XML file i…… -
C-std:: remove in STD:: vector_ if polymorphic std :: unique_ ptr
I have a three - level hierarchy, derived from optional and paintable derivatives Then I have a vector unique_ PTR <…… -
Java – how do I specify the name of a resource annotation at compile time?
Our code has this: @Resource(name = "java:comp/resource/foo/bar/ONE_QUEUE") private Queue queue; However, in a deploym…… -
Java – how to configure a single threaded forkjoinpool?
Can forkjoinpool be configured to use 1 execution thread? I am executing code that calls Random in ForkJoinPool. Every…… -
How to add mouselistener to a frame
I want to add a mouselistener to the MT JFrame framework, but when I execute frame When addMouseListener (this), I get…… -
Java – breaks a paragraph into a single sentence Am I covering all the bases here?
I'm trying to split a string containing multiple sentences into a string array of single sentences This is what I have…… -
Java – Apache POI removes cellstyle from the workbook
Using Apache poi... I used workbook Createcellstyle(), if I need to delete the created cellstyle after a period of tim…… -
Java – create with class > Key immutablemap problem
I'm trying to create an immutable map that maps classes to strings (Note: This is of course just an example!) But, lik…… -
Java – programmatically lock the direction in Android
I have the following code Java public void lockScreenOrientation() { setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_O…… -
Java – use Jackson to deserialize arrays
I have a json-rpc client like this, I can't deserialize it {"value":"xxxx","type":"xxxx"} Objects I want to deserializ…… -
Java – how to set the location of jooptionpane
I'm creating this joptionpane JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this,"File was saved","Save",JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSA…… -
Java – how to run applications from war?
I have a large war file that contains many classes with main methods How can I point out the main specific classes tha……