Cost per class in a Java application – fewer large classes or several smaller classes
What is the memory cost for each new class added to a Java application? >Is it better to have 5000 large lines or s…… -
Java – how to configure my log4j (using GlassFish) login log directory instead of configuration?
My log4j The properties file has the following line: log4j. appender. logfile. File = MyApplication. log My log file a…… -
Java – cannot mask jar with Maven (invokespecial / static)
Complete error message: The jar file I tried to shadow is located in my own remote repository, using sonatype nexus Th…… -
Java – how to make NetBeans start faster NetBeans took a lot of time to open
I don't know if it's just my computer, but NetBeans is spending a lot of time turning it on I wonder what I can do to …… -
Java – parent POM Invalid wrapper for XML, must be ‘POM’, but ‘ear’
Someone can suggest a solution, with the following exceptions I'm going to create a multi - module project The parent …… -
Why does my java RSA encryption give me an arithmetic exception?
Yes Net, I generated the following public key file: <RSAKeyValue> <Modulus>xTSiS4+I/x9awUXcF66Ffw7tracs…… -
Java – gridbaglayout: how to prevent invisible components from crashing
When making the components of the layout managed by gridbaglayout invisible, the arrangement of other components in th…… -
Does java have a static sequential initialization failure?
A recent problem here is to have the following code (and similar) to implement a singleton without synchronization pub…… -
Java stretch icon fit button
I'm trying to resize my icon so that it covers the entire button and is in the center of the button When I try, it str…… -
Java – how to create an ArrayList correctly?
See English answers > type list vs type ArrayList in java15 List<String/*or other object*/> arrList = new Arr…… -
Java – spring managed transaction, eclipse link JPA, custom isolation level
I doubt it's embarrassing. I made a mistake in a terrible way, but please wait for me patiently I have a spring applic…… -
Java – JSF 2.1.0 not found 13 custom component: tag library supports namespace: but no tag is defined for Name:
problem I am using JSF 2.1 Create a prototype to demonstrate the benefits of JSF to the webapp we currently build usin…… -
Java 8 maps the collection. If the collection is empty, add the default value
I have a use case, and I must return a set containing at least 1 element The incoming collection may contain 0 or more…… -
Java – pdfbox coded symbol currency euro
I use Apache PDF@R_745_2419 @The library creates a PDF document My problem is to encode the euro currency symbol when …… -
Vector – what is the correct way to convert VEC to FFI without reallocation?
I need to pass an element VEC in the FFI Through the experiment, I found some interesting ideas I started to give the …… -
Java – thread interrupt: will it cancel receiving the wait () call?
I have a thread that has an incoming job queue (a LinkedList containing job descriptions) When no task can work, the t…… -
Java – can I programmatically detect whether there are any chromecast devices on the current WiFi network?
Whether you can detect whether there are any chromecast devices on the current WiFi network I've seen a cast SDK, but …… -
How to make static methods thread safe in Java?
I'm creating a web application and I'm experiencing thread safety issues After reading several similar questions, I am…… -
VHDL test results are converted to JUnit (or other Jenkins approved) format
I am setting up automatic regression testing for FPGA projects, almost entirely as follows: > Continuous integratio…… -
Java – delete items from the list or add build new list?
Usually, I have to iterate over an ArrayList and want to create a subset from it based on any condition From a perform…… -
Java – how to quickly load large txt files into BigInteger?
I'm importing a large 17 million bit text file. I'm using this Code: BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new Fi…… -
Java – bufferedinputstream and blocking
I'm using bufferedinputstream to read from the socket The contents of bufferedinputstream are as follows: socketInput.…… -
Java – handling interruptedexception (error in Android?) while waiting for an exit signal
I've seen the following code, and I want to know if it's really what I think: synchronized(sObject) { mShouldExit …… -
Java – comparison of two empty objects of two different types
public void m1(Integer f) { public void m1(Integer f) { ... } public void m1(Float f) { ... } public void ma…… -
Stop the running process through the GUI in Java
I have a GUI program that executes TestNG automation scripts This means that users can easily configure certain settin…… -
Has java – Clone () really been used? How about defensive replication in getter / setter?
Do people almost always use defensive inhalers / installers? For me, 99% of the time I intend to take the object you s…… -
Java – hibernate named queries and their performance advantages?
As stated in the hibernate document, the purpose of named queries is to purge HQL from different locations in the proj…… -
Java – error: trying to call method ‘format’ on an empty context object
Spring-boot v1. four point one The following lines of code in my view: <td th:each = "sprint : ${sprints}" th:text …… -
Java and Net: Base64 conversion confusion
I'm converting text to Java (Android) and Net (Visual Basic) ASCII characters in simple (readable) form are converted …… -
Java – ANTLR independent input
I have a syntax file, boardfile G4 (only relevant parts): grammar Board; //Tokens GADGET : 'squareBumper' | 'circleBu…… -
Best practices for JavaDocs – interface, implementation, or both?
I have a Dao interface and Dao implementation JavaDocs in the interface is the content displayed by NetBeans to client…… -
Java’s httpurlconnection does not support report / propfind – what should I do?
Httpurlconnection only supports things like get, post and head - but there is no report / propfind I will implement a ……