Java – Validation does not apply to entitymanager merge()
I rarely verify my entities, such as @ notnull, and some generations, such as @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = AUTO) @Co…… -
Help Java hash mapping
Can someone explain what happened in the following code and how it ended with 36? thank you Edited by Amir rachum publ…… -
Java – why can’t I create restful web services in EJB modules?
I use NetBeans 6.8 I can see the option to create web services in my independent EJB module, but I can't seem to find …… -
Sound format of game based on Java
I'm developing a java game that wants to bundle and play some sampled sound effects I'm going to use standard javax so…… -
Java – JUnit: Best Practices for developing test cases?
Technology: latest version of JUnit Some people use hard coded data in test cases, others use attribute files and some…… -
Java – language level threads
I'm reading about threads, and many books say that Java supports language level threads, and through Java util. The co…… -
Java – ide style program running
My goal I'm trying to create a java program that users can choose from any of their computers Class or Jar file Then m…… -
Java – is it a good idea to nest a class in an interface?
Is it possible to have an internal class inside the interface in Java??? Solution You can But that's what O'Reilly sai…… -
How to save map objects in Java to MySQL database
I have Java map (string and ints) objects and I want to save them to the database Solution You actually asked two diff…… -
Java – how does my jar open itself as a stream?
I'm trying to open a jar as a stream, but I can't understand where to get this stream JarInputStream s = new JarInputS…… -
Building timezone objects in Java
I use the timezone string to build Java timezone objects, such as GMT-8, GMT, PST, EST, etc So if I get inputs like PS…… -
Java – should it be in struts All operation classes are listed in XML
Whether it should be in struts List all operation classes in XML? If the action classes are not listed in the struts 2…… -
Java – Apache commons mathematical optimization
Does anyone have any experience with the Apache commmons math optimization package? More specifically, the implementat…… -
How to use Java annotation leasing strategy of class
I'm using comments to generate documents for the API I'm publishing I define it as follows: @Documented @Target(Elemen…… -
How do you evaluate Java. Net in clojure lang.String
How would I rate the following? (defn run-clojure-func [] (println "welcome")) (defn -main [& args] (eval (*f…… -
Java – stability of Guice 3.0 beta
Guice 3.0 beta is currently in beta (November 2010) As a Guice 2.0 user, I am particularly interested in the new hiber…… -
Parsing IBM 3270 data in Java
I'd like to know if anyone has experience in retrieving data using 3270 protocol So far, my understanding is: connect …… -
JPA – jpql query select optional general Dao selection
I have retrieved the category object according to a valid JPA example: return (ArrayList<Category>) getEntityMan…… -
Java – send invalid XML characters in soap request
I want to send special (&, '(single quotation mark)) characters in soap request I use axis 1.4 The web service cli…… -
Java – unable to obtain the jdbc driver of MySQL in Tomcat environment
I've been trying to get the driver class connected to MySQL's JDBC bash-3.2$echo $CLASSPATH /home/cmao/public_html/jsp…… -
Static and overlay in Java
public class B { static int i =1; public static int multiply(int a,int b) { return i; } …… -
Java – optional jar wrapper
I have a small program Jar, which uses a huge library A small part of the jar Is there a tool to repackage several can…… -
The frequency response is calculated from the filter coefficients
I can't find any understandable information about the subject On Wikipedia in the Netherlands, I found that you can ap…… -
Java – if we don’t generate windows, why doesn’t timer work?
This is the code: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JFrame;…… -
What’s the difference between Java – serialized objects because they can persist?
We know that serializable is a tag interface (that is, an interface without any methods) So I want to know how to impl…… -
Java – the difference between Max heap and sort stack
I want to know when we can use collections Why do we need a new data structure like Max heap when sort method sorts th…… -
Java – does the runtime match o (nlogn)?
I wrote a class (greedy strategy). At first, I used the sorting method with O (nlogn) Then I used the binary search tr…… -
Extract the zip file in the BlackBerry Java app
I'm trying to write code to unzip the zip archive and put the output in another folder Do I have to use a third-party …… -
Java – how to get the instance number
Is there any way to get the instance number or ID? I mean, you can see it in the eclipse debug > variables window a…… -
Java, wait for the child process to exit
Using Java's processbuilder, I'm creating a set of subprocesses I can use the waitfor () method in the generated proce…… -
Java – part of my layout moves up with the keyboard
My Android application has such a layout. When I open the keyboard, two imageviews are displayed on the keyboard at th…… -
Java – extract subgraphs from drawings using Jun?
I have a big picture. I'm using Jung I wonder if Jung provides a way to extract the two hop neighborhood of a vertex (……