Java – mockito, strange behavior of @ injectmocks final field
What I saw was a mistake@ Injectmocks does not seem to create a new test topic before each test method@ Mock's place I…… -
Ten skills of connecting Oracle database through JDBC
The Java database connection (JDBC) API is a series of interfaces that allow Java programmers to access the database, …… -
Java – compilation errors using NetBeans 8 but lower than lambda expressions
I'm using NetBeans 8 When my code contains a lambda expression and I try to compile, I receive the following error mes…… -
Java – advantages and disadvantages of data sorting in database?
Let's say I have a table with a varchar type table And I need to get the data in the table alphabetically from the fie…… -
Generic default constructor Java
public class Sample<T>{ public class Sample<T>{ T data; Sample(){ data = ????; } } How do …… -
Detailed explanation of the definition and use of variable length parameters in Java
Java can define variable length parameters (varargs) for methods to match an uncertain number of parameters, which are…… -
Is there a Java map implementation that returns the most recently contained key
I'm looking for a map implementation that returns the value associated with the requested key, or if it doesn't exist,…… -
Java – error (23,17) unable to parse JUnit: JUnit: 4.12 @ Android studio V.2
Currently using Android studio v.2 0 (23,17) unable to solve JUnit: JUnit: 4.12 I have installed the Android support r…… -
Transform XSLT to xmlsignature Java?
I have an XML document I am using xmlsignature to sign part of the document Before I find the summary, I want to apply…… -
Multithreading – Perl threads slowly consume memory
I'm running a Perl server with 10 threads They will never be broken before the program exits, but this is my intention…… -
Java – cannot convert to internal representation
I am using Oracle database and Tomcat 6 server to provide broadleaf commerce application org.springframework.jdbc.Unca…… -
Java – JAXB / xjc parent-child navigation
I want to have two-way navigation methods in the class between the child object and the parent object <complexType …… -
How to make Java programs installed?
How can I install a java program? I saved an application in my eclipse workspace I can export it as Jar file This is a…… -
Is there a faster way to compare two int arrays in Java?
I have two arrays of integers of the same size, such as n (n is variable, so I can have two arrays of sizes, such as 4…… -
Automatic delegation in Java
I want to add some functionality to the objects that will be generated at run time However, the interface of this obje…… -
Java – hibernate HQL counts are different, can’t they?
I have the following categories: class User { hasMany = [ratings: rating] } class Item { hasMany = [ratings: rat…… -
Java – parentheses in HQL cannot be converted to SQL
This is my HQL: Query query = createQueryOnCurrentSession("DELETE Email e " + "where " + …… -
Java – get the date / time when the file was created
This seems to be a very straightforward question, but I can't find a clear answer on the Internet How to obtain the cr…… -
Java – garbage collection in Android (done manually)
I have a strange question I know that garbage collectors have their own limitations If assigned So my question is, is …… -
Java – what makes the execution order of threads unpredictable?
What makes the execution order of threads unpredictable? At some point, the scheduler uses random numbers or checks sy…… -
Java – Apache poi sxssf and xssf
I have a problem. I'm right. If I have a workbook created by xssf constructor, is it enough to change the constructor …… -
Lambda for JavaFX Task
The compiler provided this error for this Code: "the target type of a lambda expression must be an interface": Task<…… -
. Net – what is the current performance of mono virtual machine?
The network is full of different types of performance tests for different languages, compilers and virtual machines Ho…… -
Java – how to reverse the order of sortedsets
I want to print a sequential table in the map using the following: Map<Float,String> mylist = new HashMap<>…… -
Java jlabel, break text to the next line?
It's been a while, because I asked a question! I am developing an application using jlabels in Java In any case, as sh…… -
RxJava; How to send observable quantity synchronously
I want to issue two observable objects synchronously (they are asynchronous) and return the first issued observable ob…… -
Java – how to add query parameters to HTTP get requests through okhttp?
I am using the latest okhttp version: okhttp-2.3 0.jar How to add query parameters to get requests in okhttp in Java? …… -
How to change the image permission mode to 777 using java code?
I want to use java code to assign the permission mode value "777" to the image file How can I express it in Java? Beca…… -
java – System. Arraycopy() copy objects or reference objects?
I have a final class nameandvalue I use system Arraycopy () copies an array of nameandvalue objects. When I change the…… -
Java – general helper for closing JDBC objects
It is strongly recommended to close JDBC objects (connections, statements, result sets) when using them However, this …… -
Java – if the thread running the function is interrupted, does the finally block execute?
If I have a function with a try / finally part and the thread running it is interrupted in the try block, does the fin……