Java – application engine data storage: how to implement posts and tags without connection?
I am building an application in Google App Engine (Java) where users can post. I am considering adding tags to these p…… -
Java – the job gives an unexpected answer
Today, I encountered the following problems, and I can't seem to find a solution: int i,j,k; i = j = k = 3; i = k++;…… -
Java – set custom key when pushing new data to firebase database
Well, I'm a newcomer to firebase. I want to have my own key and push new data to the database at the same time Questio…… -
Java – copy clipboard manager that supports old and new versions?
I'm trying to edit text on Android. For another question, the most voting answer provides these lines, but when I use …… -
Java – what is the difference between creating unbounded and bounded arrays of wildcard types?
Why is this code valid ArrayList<?>[] arr = new ArrayList<?>[2]; But the following two are not? ArrayList&…… -
Java – how do I actually use the swing application framework?
I want to learn how to use swing application framework effectively Most of the examples I've found are blog entries th…… -
The best way to convert an existing Java project into an OSGi package
We have many components, and we want to modularize only a few to start with Want to know what is the best way (in the …… -
Synchronization in vectors in Java
Vector in Java means thread safety and synchronization. How does it make threads safe I'm looking at the internal deta…… -
Java – specify a package for spring jaxb2marshaller instead of “classestobebound”
I tried to use jaxb2 Marshall and spring to organize a set of Java classes I know this can be done using the following…… -
Java – how to cancel asyncresttemplate HTTP requests if they spend too much time?
Since the beginning, I have always confused how to handle interruptedexception and how to cancel HTTP requests correct…… -
Java programming layout recommendations?
I've learned to write programs from scratch, but I don't know how to design the layout and implementation of the progr…… -
Java – spring security – expiredurl does not work
I need to configure the expiration URL in my spring MVC application This is my effort, but it has no effect: @Override…… -
16 bit hexadecimal string to int signed in Java
I have a Java string representing a signed 16 - bit value in hexadecimal The string can be passed through anything fro…… -
What’s the use of Java – persistenceannotation beanpostprocessor?
According to its Javadoc, persistenceannotation beanpostprocessor seems to be responsible for injecting annotation @ p…… -
Java – how to prevent JList from selecting outside the cell boundary?
"Is there any way to prevent JList from selecting the last element when the user clicks the next element on the list?"…… -
Java – how to select all text in JTable cells during editing
I want the editor in my editable jtables to select all text in the cell at the beginning of editing I've tried a few a…… -
Java – is there a better way to keep the values of the map a collection?
I see many maps that can be saved using hibernate, such as map < string, set & entity > > a little lucky …… -
Spring – how to write mockito JUnit to exchange methods for resttemplate
How to write mockito JUnit is as follows: @Autowired RestTemplate restTemplate; ResponseEntity<?> execute(final…… -
Java – there is no console output in eclipse Juno
Straight, I've been working in eclipse Juno for some time, and my console has been working When you output to the cons…… -
Java – how to dynamically pass parameters to spring beans
I'm a novice in spring This is the bean registration code: <bean id="user" class="User_Imple"> </bean> <…… -
Does this basic Java object pool work?
Are the following basic object pools working properly? I have a more complex one based on the same idea (i.e. maintain…… -
When should I turn off Java Preparedstatement?
In the "using prepared statements" tutorial, it states that they should always be closed Suppose I have a function get…… -
Why use Java’s asynchronous filechannel?
I can understand why web applications will use multiplexing (not creating too many threads) and why programs will use …… -
Java – VM error starting wildfly (JBoss) server
I have wildfly-10.0 0. Final available path variable set I'm using Ubuntu I also have jdk1 7.0_ 79. The problem I face…… -
Why use Java’s asynchronous filechannel?
I can understand why web applications will use multiplexing (not creating too many threads) and why programs will use …… -
How can java thread priority be converted to OS thread priority?
How Java API thread priority (1-10) is converted to operating system level priority, because most operating systems do…… -
Java – JSP, get and post parameters
I need to do some small tasks with JSP; It's a very new JSP. I wonder if it's possible to get only get or only post pa…… -
Java – disable items in JList
I'm using JList as part of the wizard to display all the steps to be performed (it also allows you to click one step t…… -
Java – Eclipse – source not found
I know this problem has been asked many times, but no proposed solution has solved my problem (or I haven't implemente…… -
Confusion causes verifyerror: expect a stack diagram frame
We are using the latest JDK 7 (U45) and Proguard version 4.10 Recently, our distribution failed. After confusion, the …… -
Multithreading – busy cursor – why?
Can anyone give me a scene they think is reasonable? I think from the user's point of view, they are always a bad idea…… -
Java, how to delete integer items in ArrayList
Suppose I have such an ArrayList: ArrayList<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); After adding operati……