Java – spring MVC sets the attribute to request / model / modelmap
I use spring MVC I need to add properties to requests or other objects It should be a message that will be displayed o…… -
Using blowfish for encryption in Java
The following code is normal for me to encrypt strings encrypted with blowfish // create a key generator based upon th…… -
Java: how do I see which parts of my code run the most? (analysis)
I write a simple checkers game in Java When I put the mouse on the board, my processor can rise to 50% (100% for the c…… -
Java allocation problem – is this an atom?
I have some questions about Java >String I have a class: public class Test { private String s; public synchroniz…… -
Java – best used: action vs actionlistener?
Myself, I always use actionlistener as a swing event handler (such as button click), which is the most common listener…… -
Use java to store user name / password on MAC
I am writing a small program (a twitter client) for Mac OS X in Java As part of its functionality, it needs a place to…… -
Java – grab the tagged instagram photos in real time
I'm trying to download photos with specific tags I found the real-time API rather useless, so I used a long polling st…… -
Java – birt in desktop applications
Someone used birt report in desktop application I come from. Net environment, you can use crystal reports to display r…… -
Best practice: capture Java net. Failure point in URL
New features of JVM using Scala and play 2.0 I convert the legacy application to play through authorize Net for paymen…… -
Restful web development using Java EE 6 – what are the options?
I'm trying to find the best choice for developing restful web applications using Java EE 6 For example, I would like t…… -
Java – how do I use the Internet time server to get time?
I want GMT [Greenwich mean time], and I don't want to rely on my system date and time Basically, I want to use a time …… -
Java – refactoring static methods into instance methods in eclipse
How can I refactor class Plugh { static void foo(Bar bar); } become class Bar { void foo(); } Using eclipse? I…… -
Java ignores certificate validation
I'm trying to create some sample Java projects that connect to a self - signed HTTPS server I can't seem to stop Java …… -
Java – how to change jooptionpane Default text for buttons in showinputdialog
I want to be in joptionpane Set the text of OK and Cancel buttons in showinputdialog There is a way to change joptionp…… -
How do I set up findbug for Java 8 projects with graduates?
I have a Java 8 project built using graduation 1.12, which is perfect Now I want to use findbugs because I use Java 8 …… -
In Java, how to efficiently optimize the descendants of streaming tree nodes?
Suppose we have a collection of objects identified by a unique string and a class tree that defines the hierarchy on t…… -
Java – fields in Guice inject class are not created by Guice
I have a class where I create myself in my own code: class StarryEyes { @Inject MyValidator validator; public S…… -
Java – regular expression with = and a
I try to use regular expressions to find all substrings that start with an equal sign (=) and start with a semicolon (…… -
Java – why do some classes not need the word “new” when creating instances?
I'm new to Java One thing that puzzles me is why some classes need new to instantiate, and why others don't need new t…… -
Java – how does spring batch manage transactions (there may be multiple data sources)?
I want to provide some information about data flow in spring batch processing, but I can't find what I'm looking for o…… -
Java – use nested enumerations in gwt-rpc
I have an enumeration with nested enumerations (I want private), but when I do, GWT tells me that nested enumerations …… -
Java – default scope of spring Services
Which is the default scope of spring 4 @ service? In order to store some information related to the currently recorded…… -
Java – client – server network getting started
I am a good programmer, but I have no Internet experience Basically, I want to enter the client server network For exa…… -
Java – why does my application run faster than the command line in IntelliJ?
We have an application that imports a large number of files by splitting data and sorting it When running JUnit test c…… -
Spring. Use Java configuration to resolve circular dependencies without @ Autowired
I have circular dependency and Java configuration Although it is easy to solve it with XML configuration, I can't solv…… -
Write data from one java servlet to another
I'm trying to write a servlet that will post an XML file (an XML formatted string) to another servlet StringBuilder sb…… -
Java – is it common to customize the dispatcher servlet in spring MVC?
I'm new to spring MVC But I'm using struts 1 Have some experience in X I wonder if dispatcherservlet is usually custom…… -
Java 7 cannot collect persistent code collected by Java 5
Does anyone know why Java 7 can't collect permanent generation applications, resulting in Java Lang. outofmemoryerror:…… -
How does the Java webstart application get the MAC address to access my web page
I am writing a Java webstart application to deploy from the website so that users can click and run my software I need…… -
Java – use HashSet to upload and deliver intent in ArrayList?
Imagine that I need to create a collection of elements in which the order can or doesn't matter All I'm going to do is…… -
Abstract Java enumeration
I write a library that should rely on enumeration, but the actual Enumeration should be defined by the user of my libr…… -
Java – how to protect jar files from decompilation?
There is already an answer to this question: > what can do to secure jar files beside obfuscation? 3 Solution Becau……