Java – change the default XML namespace prefix generated using jaxws
I am using jaxws to generate a web service client for the Java application we build When jaxws builds its XML for use …… -
Avoid multiple if statements in Java
I have written such a method But I think it should be refactored private String getMimeType(String fileName){ if(fil…… -
java – SimpleDateFormat String
I have this code block, where dateformat The format parameter will always be a string, which is why I do this ToString…… -
How does rxjava’s observable “iteration” work?
I started playing with RX Java and reactfx, and I became very fascinated But I have dozens of questions and I keep stu…… -
Java – what happens when we add two integer objects?
When we add two integer objects to Java, can anyone explain the internal behavior? (just like un@R_778_2419 @Object to…… -
How to use reflection to instantiate Java. Net using generics util. ArrayList
How to use reflection to instantiate Java. Net using generic classes util. ArrayList? I'm writing a program that sets…… -
Java: a very simple scatter chart utility
I know there are many comparisons of java drawing libraries, but I can't find what I need I just want a simple and con…… -
Java-8 – always use cube-java8 to get exception “wrong type of constant pool index”
I am designing a sample project for Java 8 dialect My problem is that I didn't get it running I always get the followi…… -
Java – how to make the background activity smaller when opening the navigation bar?
I want my background activity to slightly open the navigation drawer to simulate the impact in the airbnb application …… -
Java – use the eclipse compiler in Jenkins to get compiler warnings / errors
I want to display eclipse compiler warnings in my Jenkins job Has anyone tried to use the eclipse compiler in Jenkins …… -
Java – converts a class object to a human readable string
Is there any way to automatically convert custom class objects to human readable strings? For example, consider the fo…… -
Java – place instance variable declarations
I've seen some developers put instance variable declarations at the end of the class, although I mainly see them at th…… -
Java – the difference between enumerations Expand zipentry > and enumeration?
Are there any differences between enumerations? Extending zipentry > and enumerating < zipentry >? If so, wha…… -
Java – convert e.printstacktrace() to use log4j instead
I'm new to log4j I don't want to display an exception stack trace in my log file, for example java.lang.IllegalArgumen…… -
Executorservice with invokeall() and future in Java
Master the following codes: ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10); Collection collection = n…… -
Are there any open source java reflection tools or jars?
Are there any open source tools or jars to handle reflection in Java? I dynamically pass the method to a class, and I …… -
Java – how to make spring @ retryable configurable?
I have this code @Retryable(maxAttempts = 3,stateful = true,include = ServiceUnavailableException.class,exclude = URIS…… -
Java – how do I get the response code from volleyerror?
I'm looking for a way to get the response code of the volleyerror thrown My errorlistener looks like this: Response.Er…… -
Java – powerful file transfer from mobile devices to servers
What I need is a file transfer solution (Library) from mobile devices (IOS, Android) to servers (PHP) The basic requir…… -
Java – spring data – mongodb finds the nearest location around the route
I have a model that contains geojson points It is easy to find the closest spring data, but how to retrieve the neares…… -
Java: receive multipart HTTP response
I am writing a java client application to receive real-time M-JPEG video from an IP camera The video is sent by the ca…… -
Java animation clip when not moving the mouse cursor
I have a very simple animation, a large font of text constantly (pixel by pixel) moving to the left First convert the …… -
Effectively implement Java Native Interface webcam feed
I am developing a project to receive video input from webcam and display the moving area to users My "beta" attempt in…… -
Java – combine two different types of observable
See English answers > rxjava merge observables of different types @Override public void call(String s,Boolean b) { …… -
Java – okhttpclient broke after updating retrofit to retrofit 2
This error occurred after updating from retrofit to retrofit 2 The LIBS version I use in my application is: compile 'c…… -
Java – saves the state of the WebView and reloads the location
I know a lot about this, but they seem old and no longer work - at least for me I try to save the location of the web …… -
The Java – JAXB XML adapter works through annotations, but not through setadapter
I know all about how to use xmladapters to convert unmappable types, or just change how some objects are serialized / …… -
Java – repairing flight path with spring boot
When the migration failed in the spring boot project, I didn't quite understand what I should do I passed in my POM Fl…… -
Java – get localized week number using jodatime
I tried to get the current number of weeks with jodatime In France, week is defined as follows: >One week from Mond…… -
Remove fields from old Java classes that implement serializable
Suppose I have a version of the MyClass class, where I have two fields int count and string name I have saved the byte…… -
Java – how do I add / delete clips on buttons?
At present, I have a "relax_layout" container, which I use to add my clips What I want to achieve is that when I press…… -
Java – is the master partition inactive or unassigned a known node?
I run elastic search version 4.1.0 on Windows 8 I try to index documents through Java When running JUnit test, the err……