DES encryption and decryption tool class instance implemented in Java
This article describes the DES encryption and decryption tool class implemented in Java. Share with you for your refer…… -
Java implementation to construct infinite hierarchical tree menu
Here, let's talk about how the background Java constructs a multi tree, so that the foreground can receive data and re…… -
Detailed explanation of Java data overflow code
Java is a relatively safe language, so how does it handle data overflow? Look at a piece of code, The result of the ru…… -
Comparison of two object attributes based on Java
There are two ways to compare two objects: 1. Case 1: when you just judge whether two objects are equal, you just need…… -
Example of n * n matrix evaluation and inverse matrix algorithm implemented in Java
This paper describes the n * n matrix evaluation and inverse matrix algorithm implemented in Java. Share with you for …… -
Implementation method of spring boot after starting the project
preface We sometimes do other things (such as importing data scripts) after the web project is started. Let's talk abo…… -
An in-depth analysis of the advantages of HBase
HBase is a NoSQL database running on Hadoop. It is a distributed and scalable big data warehouse. In other words, HBas…… -
Explain in detail how to write and run spark applications in Java
We first put forward such a simple requirement: Now we need to analyze the access log information of a website and cou…… -
Explain the implementation mechanism of spring MVC dispatchservlet in detail
In spring, contextloaderlistener is just an auxiliary class. When the web container starts, it finds and creates a web…… -
Usage of mongodb in spring boot project
preface As we all know, MySQL database is easy to use, but the amount of data is more than ten million. It is very pai…… -
How to use transactionattributes in spring configuration
Recently, I encountered this problem. When using the jpatemplate provided by spring for query, if the amount of data e…… -
Thoughts on Java enterprise project development
What is enterprise project development "Enterprise level project", enterprise level project development, and Java is a…… -
Java is a simple instance of reading and outputting from a file
Input with scanner and output with printstream Function: from in Txt read in and output to out txt code: Same as below…… -
Struts 2 static resource mapping code example
In the struts 2 framework, there are some common static content that it needs, such as JS files and some CSS files. Wh…… -
Solve problems encountered in Java wrapper class comparison
preface This article mainly introduces the solutions to some problems encountered in the comparison of Java packaging …… -
Summary of commonly used hash algorithms in Java [classic examples]
This paper describes the commonly used hash algorithms in Java. Share with you for your reference, as follows: For mor…… -
Spring boot + drools rule engine integration details
objective Most of the official drools examples are based on pure Java projects or Maven projects, while few are based …… -
Explain the essential difference and relationship between hashcode () and equals ()
In the process of learning Java and making examples according to videos, I have a deeper understanding of the two meth…… -
Java API of HBase access mode
Access mode of HBase 1. Native Java API: the most conventional and efficient access method; 2. HBase shell: the comman…… -
Graphic tutorial for building Java runtime environment
1. Build a Java running environment. For beginners, you can mainly download and install JDK, and the windows operating…… -
Servlet download file implementation code details (V)
This example shares the specific code of servlet download file for your reference. The specific contents are as follow…… -
Detailed explanation of Java enumeration usage
In actual programming, there are often such "data sets", their values are stable in the program, and the elements in t…… -
How Java uses reflection to find classes using specified annotations
preface I'm a little empty recently. I want to write an annotation like the annotation in spring, and then I hope to f…… -
Struts 2 configuration static resource code details
The struts 2 framework has two core configuration files: struts XML and struts 2 default properties file default Prope…… -
Servlet forwarding, including detailed explanation (VII)
This paper introduces servlet forwarding and servlet inclusion for your reference. The specific contents are as follow…… -
Java design pattern – proxy pattern (example explanation)
Proxy pattern is one of the most common design patterns in Java. Spring's AOP uses the proxy mode. Generally speaking,…… -
Java non blocking I / O usage
Most of the knowledge and examples come from O'Reilly's Java network programming, Fourth Edition, by elliotte rusty Ha…… -
Spring boot method for reading static resource files
1、 Demand scenario Sometimes we need to use some static resource files in the project, such as the city information f…… -
An example of how Java uses regular expressions to get sub text
This article illustrates how Java uses regular expressions to get sub text. Share with you for your reference, as foll…… -
SSM framework construction graphic tutorial (recommended)
I've been thinking about building an SSM framework for a long time. It's convenient for me to use it in the future. Ho…… -
Struts 2 method of realizing permission control through custom tags
Recently, I encountered a demand in development: whether to display an operation button according to the user's permis…… -
Java implements a tool class instance that translates digital dates into English words
This example describes the Java implementation of the tool class to translate digital dates into English words. Share ……