Spring scheduled task usage and how to use mail monitoring server
Spring related dependencies can be imported to use spring's scheduled tasks! Scheduled tasks are commonly used in deve…… -
HTTP requests for Java
After running the main method, the above code directly returns to Baidu's HTML interface This is the following common …… -
Java generates barcode, PDF and HTML FreeMarker generates HTML code according to the model
For generating HTML from Java, please refer to my article: generating HTML code according to FreeMarker model -
Spring cloud ribbon
Spring cloud implements load balancing through the ribbon. 1、 Add Maven dependency 2、 Application YML configuration …… -
Annotation based configuration in spring (7)
Annotation based configuration Since spring 2.5, you can use annotations to configure dependency injection. Instead of…… -
net. sf. jsqlparser. statement. select. PlainSelect. getGroupByColumnReferences()Ljava/util/List;
Error message: This error caused me to fail to start the project. Error reason: it is found that it is caused by the c…… -
Nacos of springcloud Alibaba
1、 Run Nacos Nacos GitHub open source address: Nacos official documents: https://nac…… -
Get HttpServletRequest and httpservletresponse from spring MVC
The singleton pattern most commonly used by beans in spring What about HttpServletRequest and httpservletresponse in s…… -
Shiro combat series (11): caching
The Shiro development team understands that performance is critical in many applications. Caching is the first state-o…… -
Application example of crawling blog data using java jsup
Import Maven dependencies Select the website you want to crawl (here I take crawling my own blog posts as an example) …… -
Spring (XV) declarative transaction
Declarative transaction management allows you to manage transactions with the help of configuration rather than source…… -
Summary and architecture of spring (I)
Personal description: This link is referenced in the following section:…… -
Kisso of open source project
Kisso open source project: 1、 Introduction Kisso = cookie SSO cookie based SSO middl…… -
Handler message under Android
The implementation principle of handler message in Android is studied: When new handler(), get the data under the curr…… -
Shiro actual combat series (II): introduction to actual combat (Continued)
Next, we will explain a series based on actual combat, so the relevant java files can obtain POM XML and its log4j fil…… -
Encryption algorithm for login and registration
Generally, whether it is CMS, CRM, ERP or B2B, all login and registration are encrypted. The password is encrypted for…… -
The difference between hibernate opensession and getcurrentsession
The difference between opensession and getcurrentsession: (1) each time opensession obtains a new session object, whil…… -
FreeMarker generates java code from templates
FreeMarker generates java code based on templates. In this sentence alone, you must also know its application, such as…… -
Talk about javac
The Java language has the Java language specification, which describes in detail the morphology and syntax of the Java…… -
Java creates files and writes data
Application scenario: take OJ project as an example to create corresponding In or Out file and write the relevant data…… -
Could not get a resource from the pool
Key error information: could not get a resource from the pool The common reason is that redis on the remote server is …… -
Dynamic SQL of mybatis
If you use ORM frameworks such as JDBC or hibernate, you often have to splice SQL as needed, which is a very troubleso…… -
availableProcessors is already set to [8], rejecting [8]
Error details: Key information is as follows: Through keyword search, a solution is found because the netty of springb…… -
Sharing of Java related framework data and its basic data, advanced data and test data
Personal note: just for sharing, not for others. May all programmers soar freely in the programming world! In my opini…… -
Renren security of Renren open source read “writing high quality code: 151 suggestions for improving Java programs”
Ren security, I will study it in detail from this week. The previous research is only shallow. As stated in reading "w…… -
org. springframework. beans. factory. Beancreationexception: error creating bean with name ‘jpamappingcontext
Background of error: migrate the blog project previously written in eclipse to idea. The ecilpse project has never bee…… -
Batch addition example of SSM framework (synchronous request JSP view parsing)
Preparation environment: SSM framework + jdk8 / JDK7 + mysql5 7 + maven3up + tomcat8 / 7 application server Example de…… -
Hystrix of spring cloud
In the microservice architecture, microservices are highly dependent on each other, and calls between them will inevit…… -
closing inbound before receiving peer’s close_ notify
Error details: Solution: just add usessl = false to the database connection URL. Refer to the problem solving link: cl…… -
FreeMarker generates HTML code based on the model
FreeMarker generates HTML code according to the model, which is essentially the same as FreeMarker generates java code…… -
Spring (14) programmatic transactions (Continued)
Spring programmatic transaction management The programming transaction management method allows you to manage transact…… -
Spring (XX) uses log4j to record logs
Log records are also commonly used, such as exception information records or other relevant information records. Good ……