The IOC simulation implementation of spring is introduced in detail
Simply put, when you need an object, you don't need to manually create a new one, but other containers will help you p…… -
Java implementation of wechat public platform circle of friends sharing function detailed code
In fact, the sharing method is documented in detail on the wechat official website. Now we summarize some of the more …… -
Code example of using java timer
1. First of all, the timer must be started as soon as the container starts, so we can choose to write the timer in a l…… -
Java programming BigDecimal usage example sharing
Java provides operation classes with large numbers (more than 16 significant bits), that is, Java math. Bininteger cla…… -
Implementation code of spring boot integrated sorl search client
Apache Solr is a search engine. Spring boot provides basic configuration for Solr client library and the abstraction b…… -
How to obtain the method instance of timestamp in Java
preface Digital time stamp technology is a variant of digital signature technology. It refers to the total number of s…… -
Detailed explanation of automatic unpacking and automatic packing in Java programming
What is automatic packing and unpacking Automatic packing of basic data types( auto@R_885_2419 @Unpacking( un@R_885_…… -
Java based on jedislock redis distributed lock implementation example code
What is a distributed lock? The concept of stand-alone lock: it is easy to lock a normal stand-alone project (i.e. run…… -
Servlet3 file upload operation
In servlet2 In 5, when we want to realize the file upload function, we generally need to use third-party open-source c…… -
Java programming — consider polymorphism in testing
Object oriented programming has three characteristics: encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism. Encapsulation hide…… -
JAVA Chinese word segmentation forward maximum matching method example code
preface Dictionary based forward maximum matching algorithm (longest word first matching). The algorithm will automati…… -
Detailed explanation of IOC and Di of spring
Here is a brief introduction to the difference between IOC and di: IOC: the translation is control inversion. Spring m…… -
Java implements the same DES encryption and decryption algorithm as JS
This article describes the Java implementation of the same DES encryption and decryption algorithm as JS. Share with y…… -
Detailed explanation of the differences between jsonobject and jsonarray in Java
In several recent projects developed by the company, the data transferred from the background action to the front end …… -
Usage of spring @ profile annotation
This article mainly introduces how to use @ profile in spring and under what circumstances. First, let's talk about wh…… -
Java improvement Part 10 in-depth analysis of ArrayList
In the previous chapter, we introduced the class diagram of the collection. In this section, we will learn the most co…… -
Java improves Part 8 dynamic agent technology
For dynamic agents, those who have learned AOP should not be unfamiliar, because agents are the core and key technolog…… -
Servlet 3 upload file uploading practice in Java Web
In the version before servlet 3.0, file upload is a headache. Although it is implemented by a third-party framework, i…… -
Visitor pattern usage scenario and code example of Java design pattern
Java design pattern visitor pattern Model concept Visitor mode represents an operation that acts on the elements in an…… -
How to create and run a java thread
To interpret a thread, you must understand what a process is. What is a process? A process refers to a running applica…… -
Java encryption and decryption rsa usage code example
Recently, in order to analyze a request flow, I had to study RSA encryption. First of all, emphasize that the "key" of…… -
Detailed explanation of design process under MVC + DAO design mode
DAO design: The DAO layer is mainly responsible for the data persistence layer. Some tasks that are responsible for co…… -
Spring boot integration rabbitmq example tutorial
1、 Introduction to rabbitmq Rabbitmq is a kind of message middleware, which is the basic software to send and receive…… -
Correct posture using the optional mechanism in Java 8
preface The functional programming features brought by Java 8 still have some obstacles for programmers who are used t…… -
Struts 2 international implementation of the website as a whole Chinese and English switching example code
This paper introduces the international implementation of struts 2. The example code of the overall Chinese-English sw…… -
Detailed explanation of Hibernate + jdbc implementation of batch insertion, update and deletion
This paper describes the method of batch insertion, update and deletion with hibernate JDBC. Share with you for your r…… -
Java gets instances a few days ago, months ago, and years ago
Examples are as follows: Call example: The above examples a few days ago, a few months ago and a few years ago are all…… -
Java collection inheritance diagram sharing
Object oriented languages embody things in the form of objects. Therefore, in order to facilitate the operation of mul…… -
Method of batch importing excel table data into database with Java
This paper describes the method of batch importing excel table data into database by Java. Share with you for your ref…… -
Detailed explanation of Java Fundamentals (generics, collection, IO, reflection)
I plan to look at some parts of the Java foundation again and consolidate them. I will share some notes of learning ag…… -
Analysis and resolution of @ postconstruct exceptions executed many times in spring timing tasks
discover problems A function has just been modified in the project recently. The code is preparing for verification. S…… -
Analysis of implementation method of Java RSA encryption and decryption
This paper describes the implementation method of Java RSA encryption and decryption. Share with you for your referenc……