Java implements the same DES encryption and decryption algorithm as JS
This article describes the Java implementation of the same DES encryption and decryption algorithm as JS. Share with y…… -
Detailed explanation of the differences between jsonobject and jsonarray in Java
In several recent projects developed by the company, the data transferred from the background action to the front end …… -
Usage of spring @ profile annotation
This article mainly introduces how to use @ profile in spring and under what circumstances. First, let's talk about wh…… -
Java improvement Part 10 in-depth analysis of ArrayList
In the previous chapter, we introduced the class diagram of the collection. In this section, we will learn the most co…… -
Java improves Part 8 dynamic agent technology
For dynamic agents, those who have learned AOP should not be unfamiliar, because agents are the core and key technolog…… -
Servlet 3 upload file uploading practice in Java Web
In the version before servlet 3.0, file upload is a headache. Although it is implemented by a third-party framework, i…… -
Visitor pattern usage scenario and code example of Java design pattern
Java design pattern visitor pattern Model concept Visitor mode represents an operation that acts on the elements in an…… -
How to create and run a java thread
To interpret a thread, you must understand what a process is. What is a process? A process refers to a running applica…… -
Java encryption and decryption rsa usage code example
Recently, in order to analyze a request flow, I had to study RSA encryption. First of all, emphasize that the "key" of…… -
Detailed explanation of design process under MVC + DAO design mode
DAO design: The DAO layer is mainly responsible for the data persistence layer. Some tasks that are responsible for co…… -
Spring boot integration rabbitmq example tutorial
1、 Introduction to rabbitmq Rabbitmq is a kind of message middleware, which is the basic software to send and receive…… -
Correct posture using the optional mechanism in Java 8
preface The functional programming features brought by Java 8 still have some obstacles for programmers who are used t…… -
Struts 2 international implementation of the website as a whole Chinese and English switching example code
This paper introduces the international implementation of struts 2. The example code of the overall Chinese-English sw…… -
Detailed explanation of Hibernate + jdbc implementation of batch insertion, update and deletion
This paper describes the method of batch insertion, update and deletion with hibernate JDBC. Share with you for your r…… -
Java implementation traverses the tree menu to realize code sharing
The text mainly shares the example code of traversing the tree menu in Java, as follows. Opensessionview implementatio…… -
Analysis of java interface definition and implementation method
This paper describes the definition and implementation of java interface. Share with you for your reference, as follow…… -
Java calculation intersection, difference set, union method example
This paper describes the method of Java computing intersection, difference set and union set. Share with you for your …… -
Creation of Java complete binary tree and analysis of four traversal methods
This paper describes the creation and four traversal methods of Java complete binary tree. Share with you for your ref…… -
Introduction to Java multithreading and fairness and code examples
If a thread cannot get CPU running time because all CPU time is robbed by other threads, this state is called "hunger"…… -
Java method example for finding the maximum common divisor and the minimum common multiple
This paper describes the method of finding the maximum common divisor and the minimum common multiple in Java. Share w…… -
Spring boot integrates elasticsearch to realize case analysis of full-text search engine
In short, ElasticSearch (ES) is a search engine and a distributed search engine for structured data. Elastic search is…… -
Detailed explanation and code example of Dao mode in Java
What is Dao mode? DAO As its name implies, data access object is an object that provides an abstract interface for dat…… -
Summary of methods for calculating program code execution time in Java
This paper summarizes the method of calculating the execution time of Java program code. Share with you for your refer…… -
Graphic tutorial for configuring Maven environment in eclipse
I What is Maven? Maven is a project management tool, which includes a project object model, a set of standards, a proj…… -
Will you be brushed off the 10 questions in the second round of interview for Xiaomi Java programmers?
Recently, developers shared a "second round of Xiaomi Java experience" on the headlines, and many Java programmers exp…… -
Spring boot Maven plug-in usage details
The spring boot Maven plug-in provides the following steps for using the spring boot application: Repackaging: create …… -
Function example of exporting objects using Excel tool class in Java
This paper describes the function of exporting objects using Excel tool class in Java. Share with you for your referen…… -
Login and registration based on struts 2 and Hibernate
This example shares the login and registration functions of struts 2 and hibernate for your reference. The specific co…… -
Java improve the seventh class loader analysis
Today, we will learn about class loaders. Class loaders actually have a lot to do with the JVM. This article only brie…… -
Java super simple crawler example explanation
Crawl the data of the whole page and effectively extract information. If there are comments, there will be no nonsense…… -
Spring boot packaging war jar deployment Tomcat
summary 1. Spring boot aggregation project packaging War deployment Tomcat 2. Spring boot packages jar and runs it dir…… -
Code sharing of several loop examples in Java programming
About the content of Java loop, it is still commonly used in programming. Let's share some sample code of loop for pra……