Rabbitmq series (III) introduction and practice of rabbitmq exchange
Introduction and practice of rabbitmq exchange switch Rabbitmq series Reading guide After we have the basic knowledge …… -
Interview raids | how does redis query a key from massive data? Attached video
1. Review knowledge points The knowledge points investigated in this topic are as follows: 2 solution ideas 3 keys usa…… -
Rabbitmq series (V) deploying rabbitmq clusters using docker
summary This article focuses on the use of docker, how to deploy rabbitmq cluster and the most basic docker installati…… -
Two implementation methods of linked list inversion, the latter beat 100% of users!
Linked list inversion is a very basic but very popular algorithm interview question. It has also appeared in question …… -
Java improvement class (IV) interview Essentials – data sets you don’t know
Introduction: does map not belong to a subset of the Java collection framework? Like a list, a queue belongs to one of…… -
23 pictures! Ten thousand words explain the “linked list”, from Xiaobai to big brother!
Linked list and array are two important and commonly used basic data types in data types. Array is a data structure co…… -
New feature of JDK 14: switch expression
brief introduction The new feature of switch has a long history. It was introduced as a preview function as early as J…… -
Look at the animation algorithm: sorting – bubble sorting
brief introduction Sorting is probably the most basic and commonly used of all algorithms. Sorting is a very classic p…… -
java. util. Introduction to concurrent
java. util. Concurrent package provides many useful classes to facilitate the development of concurrent programs. This…… -
Synchronousqueue details
Synchronousqueue details brief introduction Synchronous queue is a kind of BlockingQueue, so synchronous queue is thre…… -
New feature of JDK 14: text blocks
In a word, text blocks was introduced in jdk13 as the first preview version. Now in jdk14 is the second preview versio…… -
On the difference between # and $in mybatis from the distribution of Indian troops
In the process of using mybatis, you may write your own SQL statements, and you need to pass parameters to the SQL sta…… -
New feature of jdk11: new HTTP API
New feature of jdk11: new HTTP API brief introduction Before jdk11, the HTTP function of java was very weak. It only p…… -
Reject policy of bounded queue in Java
When using executorservice, we know that there is a queue in executorservice to save the submitted tasks. Through diff…… -
Understand enummap and enumset
Understand enummap and enumset brief introduction Generally speaking, we will choose to use HashMap to store data in k…… -
The difference between comparable and comparator in Java
The difference between comparable and comparator in Java brief introduction java. Lang. comparable and Java util. Comp…… -
JIT’s profile artifact jitwatch
brief introduction It seems that the constant use of command-line tools can't keep up with the pace in modern society,…… -
Java secure coding guide: serialization
brief introduction Serialization is a very common and neglected function in Java. We need to serialize objects when th…… -
On the reactive system
Initial knowledge of responsive system The first time I heard the word reactive was a few years ago. I came across the…… -
Thread life cycle in Java
Thread is a topic that cannot be bypassed in Java. Today, this article will explain the life cycle of thread in Java i…… -
How to use stream in Java 8’s map
How to use stream in Java 8's map brief introduction Map is a very common collection type in Java. We usually need to …… -
Java security coding guide: file IO operation
brief introduction We often use IO operations for files. Because of the complexity of files, we also need to pay atten…… -
Mark up interfaces, annotations, and the past and present lives of annotation processors
Mark up interfaces, annotations, and the past and present lives of annotation processors brief introduction I believe …… -
Use of countdownlatch in Java concurrency
In Java concurrency, controlling the access of shared variables is very important. Sometimes we also want to control t…… -
Jdk14 performance management tool: introduction to jmap and jhat
brief introduction In the process of writing code, we often encounter the problem of memory leakage, such as the objec…… -
Java secure coding guide: input injection
brief introduction Injection is a very common problem in security. Today, let's discuss the prevention of SQL injectio…… -
Jdk15 is really coming. Let’s take a look at its new features
brief introduction The latest version of JDK twice a year, jdk15, was officially released on September 15, 2020. This …… -
Use of completionservice in Java
Use of completionservice in Java In the previous article, we talked about executorservice. Through executorservice, we…… -
A PDF to understand jdk10 GC tuning script – PDF download attached
brief introduction Today, let's talk about JVM GC tuning parameters in jdk10. There are 1957 JVM parameters in jdk10, …… -
Using locks in Java
In the previous article, we mentioned that the way to implement synchronization in Java is to use synchronized block. …… -
New feature of jdk9: jpms modularization
New feature of jdk9: jpms modularization brief introduction Jdk9 introduces a new feature called jpms (Java platform m…… -
New features of jdk14
In the release on September 17, Oracle mentioned that the function of switch expression is expected to be finalized in……