JSP Response. Getmaxinactivival() method: get the valid time of the session
getMaxInactiveInterval() Example <% long timeNum = session.getMaxInactiveInterval(); out.println("这个sessi…… -
JSP Response. Setstatus() method: sets the status code of the response
setStatus(int sc) Example <% response.setStatus(200); %> -
Hibernate hibernate. use_ identifer_ Rollback attribute: reset default
hibernate. use_ identifer_ Rollback = attribute value Example <property name="hibernate.use_identifer_rollback"&g…… -
Hibernate get method: load entity objects through oid
get(Class clazz,Serializable id) Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //创建session对象 UserFor…… -
Tomcat installation and startup
In addition to tomcat, commonly used servlet containers include Weblogic, JBoss, webspher, etc. Selection of Tomcat ve…… -
Why use up transformation instead of directly creating subclass objects?
Example 1 public class Animal { public void sleep() { System.out.println("小动物在睡觉"); } …… -
Spring getbeannamesfortype method: get bean name by type
getBeanNamesForType(Class type) Example public static void main(String[] args){ ApplicationContext context = new…… -
JSP Response. Getid () method: get a unique ID ID
getId() Example <% String ID = session.getId(); out.println("这个session的ID是:"+ID); %> -
Setmaxresults method of Hibernate query interface: set the maximum number of returned records
setMaxResults(int maxResults) Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(conn); //获取session对象 String…… -
Createalias method of Hibernate criteria interface: establish connection query
Grammar 1 createAlias(String associationPath,String alias) Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); …… -
JSP JSTL < SQL: param > tag: specify SQL parameters
parameter value Example <%@page language="java" contentType="text/html;charset=GBK" pageEncoding="GBK"%&…… -
Hibernate query interface list method: returns the list collection of query results
list() Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //获取session对象 String hql = "from UserForm"; //…… -
Java uses internal classes to implement multiple inheritance
Example 1 public class Father { public int strong() { // 强壮指数 return 9; } } pu…… -
Java operates generics through reflection
Generic and class classes public class ObjectFactory { public static Object getInstance(String clsName) { …… -
Hibernate createsqlquery method: creates an sqlQuery object
createsqlQuery(String queryString) Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //创建Session对象 Strin…… -
Struts 2 iterator tag: tag of iterative data
< s: iterator value = "collection element" id = "ID number" status = "instance name" > < s: property / > &…… -
Java computing GPA
import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner; public class Test03 { public static void…… -
Java StringBuffer replaces special characters
import java.util.Scanner; public class test2 { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.…… -
Hibernate default_ entity_ Mode attribute: Specifies the default entity representation mode
hibernate. default_ entity_ Mode = attribute value Example <property name="hibernate.default_entity_mode"> …… -
Java perfects the error message of division operation
public class Compute { private int[] num = new int[2]; public int[] getNum() { return num; }…… -
Struts2 ServletActionContext. Getrequest () method: get HttpServletRequest object
public static HttpServletRequest getRequest() Example //获取HttpServletRequest对象 HttpServletRequest request = Ser…… -
What about Java null objects?
Student stu = new Student(); // Statement 1 student stu2// Statement 2 stu2 = new student()// Statement 3 String str1=…… -
How Java creates projects
Example 1 public class HelloJava { public static void main(String[] args) { //TODO自动生成的方法…… -
Hibernate rollback method: rollback transaction
rollback() Example Transaction tx = null; try{ Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //定义Session…… -
Hibernate commit method: commit transaction
翻译错误 Invalid Access Limit Example Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); //定义Session对象 Transactio…… -
Hibernate isnull method: judge whether it is null
isNull(String propertyName) Example Criteria criteria = session.createCriteria(PersonForm.class); //创建Criteria对…… -
Struts2 ServletActionContext. Getresponse () method: get httpservletresponse object
public static HttpServletResponse getResponse() Example //获取HttpServletResponse对象 HttpServletResponse response …… -
JSP JSTL < FMT: setbundle > tag: Specifies the message resource
Example <%@taglib prefix="fmt" uri=""%> <fmt:setBundle basename="loca…… -
Hibernate setproperty method: specify the configuration property for the configuration object
setProperty(String propertyName,String value) Example 1 Configuration cfg = new Configuration() .setProperty("hib…… -
JSP JSTL < FMT: Message > tag: reading local messages
Grammar 1 Grammar 2 subtags Example <%@taglib prefix="fmt" uri="…… -
Hibernate generate_ Statistics property: collect statistics
hibernate. generate_ Statistics = attribute value Example <property name="hibernate.generate_statistics"> t……