How do I perform “less” paging from a Java console application?
I need to execute the less command from my java console application, using paging However, I found that the only way t…… -
How to create in Java MPP file?
I can use the mpxj library to create in Java MPX file Solution I maintain mpxj. The short answer to your query is that…… -
Java – configure handlerinterceptors in the @ configuration context
I'm in spring 3.0 In 6, @ configuration is used to use dependency injection instead of XML definition file I use mixed…… -
How do I place the cursor in the NetBeans java file template?
I want to place the cursor in the Javadoc area when creating interfaces, classes, etc. in NetBeans You can use ${curso…… -
Streaming the contents of scanned images to files in Java
I'm trying to scan images using Morena and sane and save them to a file in a given format (TIFF or JPEG) using the swi…… -
Java – CDI constructor injection is not applicable to transient non serializable dependencies
I like CDI's constructor injection, but now I've found a use case where constructor injection obviously doesn't work a…… -
Java – embedded jetty 8 x / Spring MVC / WebApplicationInitializer
Does anyone have the following work samples: >Embedded jetty 8 X Application > use spring MVC > zero XML conf…… -
Java – invalid Jersey expires header
I am using Jersey bundle 1.11 to provide some restful web services Every time I use chrome to browse rest resources, I…… -
ORM relationship, PHP and SQL join
I'm developing a small PHP framework for a school project. I'm learning how to build the ORM part However, I can't fig…… -
Java – generics and JSON
I'm using the play framework model: public class JSONContainer<T> extends Model { private T myT; privat…… -
Java – data source for multi tenant applications
I am developing a multi tenant application based on Hibernate 4 Solution To answer your questions directly, you can ex…… -
JPA hibernate leaves the connection to obtain multiple queries
I have a jpql query that eagerly obtains multi-level associations, as shown below select distinct s from Singer s le…… -
Compressing binary data in Java
I tried to compress a set of binary data (the result set returned from the database) into a file It can be downloaded …… -
From Java to Facebook friend’s wall
Using a person's access token, I can get the person's friend's Facebook ID Can someone please give me an example of a …… -
How do I suppress primitive type warnings in the generated canonical metadata class?
I am using hibernate JPA 2 metamodel generator to generate metamodel classes for my @ entity model class, so I can que…… -
Java – cannot add the same panel again
It drives me crazy When you click three different buttons, I'm trying to change the panel, but it applies to one panel…… -
What concurrency warnings should I get from findbugs?
I have the following code: import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy; import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe; @ThreadSafe…… -
Java – is there a tool to replace the passed Excel files back and forth and merge them?
Some legacy software relies on downloading multiple Excel files, merging the contents, sending them back, making some …… -
Play 2.0 / Java – is there a way to complete validation after requesting data binding?
In play 2.0, you can obtain the request binding and complete the verification (via comments) in the following ways: AB…… -
Java – JMF video capture on MacBook Air
I'm trying to use a webcam on my MacBook Air through JMF, but jmfinit doesn't seem to be able to find it I get the fol…… -
Java – is font rendering quality affected by programming, or is it handled entirely by the operating system?
I'm working with a programmer who uses Java to create interfaces for applications The font in the program looks ugly S…… -
Java – ehcache data view via JMX
Is there any way to view the data / objects stored in ehcache through JMX? I found that it's just cache statistics, bu…… -
Java – JDBC select is very slow compared to Firefox DB manager
Solved, of course, after the release, it hit me... Now use it…… -
Playframework – POJO, JPA binding and check box
Play uses "unresolved parameters are safely ignored. Type mismatches are also safely ignored." When binding parameters…… -
Java – what is the reason why spring STS hangs?
Sometimes STS hangs at first Is it possible to find the reason? Could there be logs or could it be started in debug mo…… -
Java – call peer to peer audio on Android: Voice Interruption and lag (delay in receiving data packets) increase
I'm trying to build a peer to peer audio call on Android I use my Android phone to communicate with my tablet, but aft…… -
How to insert a record using the entity manager without defining a primary key field?
I tried to insert records into the database (MySQL) using entity classes and entity manager However, one of the fields…… -
Java – multi row JTable unit with automatic height – very large first row
I am using swing to develop a java desktop application (JDK1.6) My question is about multiline cells (text wrapping) i…… -
CSV to PDF file in Java
I tried to parse a CSV file into PDF What I have attached so far is as follows My problem is that the file where the c…… -
Socket communication between server applications and MATLAB clients using java
I have a written C server application that I hope can be controlled from MATLAB So far, I have used the mex function f…… -
Java – Android starts the calendar with start and end times
I have an application that contains an agenda with a list of times and dates When the user clicks one of the events, t……