Java – Google login Google idtoken backend verification fails suddenly
I've always had this problem with Google login I have an Android application connected by users to authenticate with G…… -
Java – why do void methods get NullPointerException on mock objects?
I am writing unit tests for my java application, which analyzes the submission to stash, an atlas application similar …… -
How to attach a modal dialog to the main window in JavaFX?
Examples of additional modal conversations: Is there any way to bring it to JavaFX? Solution Support for additional di…… -
Java – security exception: Android permission. INTERACT_ ACROSS_ USERS
I just encountered this exception under the application PID in Android monitor without doing anything special The firs…… -
java – RabbitMQ com. rabbitmq. client. Alreadyclosedexception: the connection has been closed due to a connection error
I use rabbitmq as a proxy to send requests and responses between my different applications Although I face strange beh…… -
The javalaunchhelper class is implemented in two places
Today, I upgraded my IntelliJ idea on MacOS Sierra. Now, this error occurs when I run the application in the console: …… -
Java – spring security returns 302 when attempting to log out
I use spring security (4.0.2. Release) to protect my application I can log in normally and my authenticated URL is pro…… -
Java – although there are no errors in the log, the email sent on Google App Engine is invalid
[I looked at all the questions related to this topic on so, but none of them seemed to explain the behavior I saw] I h…… -
Java – unable to handle the business interface of EJB classes
When starting Maven with test parameters, I got the exception mentioned above When creating an integration test deploy…… -
Java – spring boot HSQLDB / H2 always displays “port in use” on Windows 10
I am developing a spring boot application. When I try to run the application using an embedded database (HSQLDB or H2,…… -
Dependency in Java – Maven: what impact does EJB type have?
If you declare dependencies in maven, you can add types, such as war, jar, EJB I know that compiling a project of type…… -
Java – chrome cannot run in selenium webdriver I use selenium 3.0 1 chrome v-54.0
public class sikuli { public class sikuli { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //S…… -
Java – Android: snackBar gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
It seems that the code of exception is as follows: Snackbar.make(findViewById(,"E' necessario abilit…… -
Java – delete random index from ArrayList
I have a 4-item ArrayList I need to randomly delete an item and display the updated ArrayList However, my random numbe…… -
Java – Android view animation lifecycle
I would like to ask if the animation will be cancelled if the view is destroyed when the configuration changes I have …… -
Java – IntelliJ – coding style issues
Sorry for the wide range of questions, but how do I set IntelliJ to wrap long method calls as follows: The style of al…… -
How to format multiline tostring() using printf in Java
Therefore, for my beginner programming class, we must write a program focusing on inheritance. We can create and input…… -
Java – parsing soap services using retrofit I’m facing an exception (i.e. a mismatched body model in the class envelope model in the response)
This exception is encountered when parsing the response in soap services using retrofit Iam My exceptions are as follo…… -
Javax. In JDK 7u79 smartcardio. Card. Disconnect (Boolean reset) behavior?
According to the release notes of JRE 7u72: When calling javax smartcardio. Card. When disconnect (true), even if I ha…… -
Java – spring MVC form errors have not been processed on JSP
I'm trying to validate the login form After clicking the login button, the control enters my controller class. With th…… -
Java – dead code warning in try with resources, but not in try catch finally in translation
The following code uses the try - with - resources structure introduced in Java 8 Occasionally, the throw () method is…… -
Java – JUnit tests the hypothesis of theoretical failure
I'm implementing a JUnit test (version 4.11) that will run several times with different parameters So I use the JUnit …… -
Java / parse error Trying to send from Android SDK to parse
This was set for another application a few days ago and works normally. The result was successfully sent to mongolab A…… -
Java – cannot be in class org apache. log4j. core. layout. Calling factory methods for element jsonlayout in jsonlayout
I tried to log in to JSON format through log4j2 This is my log4j2 XML file: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?&g…… -
Classic singleton and lazy using java 8 performance
Recently, I read an article "be lazy with Java 8", which introduces a method to create inert objects (objects whose in…… -
Java – JNI with C keeps crashing cout, printf and method calls
I am writing my first JNI program in C and have developed test methods to ensure that everything is normal The problem…… -
How to use arraymap in the code of JUnit (non institutional) Android unit test?
If an unchecked unit test (not subclassed from androidtestcase) calls code using arraymap, it will be in XX xx. The no…… -
Java – a separate execution queue for a single executor to track the remaining data
In my jetty service, I have an endpoint that triggers a large number of threads I am currently using threadexecutiorpo…… -
Java – how to implement video using connectionservice
I want to use the system application to realize video chat through connection service…… -
When using async driver for Java, not all documents are inserted into mongodb
I'm trying to use the mongodb async driver( )And notice…… -
Java – why does it always call the parent method “dotest (double D)”?
See English answers > polymer in overloaded and overridden methods 4 class PolymorphisomTest { class Base { …… -
Using robot JavaFX keyevents is delayed when movemouse()
I'm trying to write some kind of first person view 3D game in JavaFX, and the motion effect is good so far I'm using J……