Java – Android studio autocomplete
I just switched to Android studio, and even with a few errors, I think it's much better than eclipse However, somethin…… -
Java – syntax error: Insert ‘}’ to complete the block
My code keeps going wrong I'm making an application to generate quotes Who can help me with this? Whatever I try, I ge…… -
Exception in hexadecimal to int number format in Java
I encountered a number format exception while trying to do this int temp = Integer.parseInt("C050005C",16); If I reduc…… -
How to get elements from Java ArrayList
I have a basic question I have this ArrayList: @Named("AccountProfileController") @ViewScoped public class AccountProf…… -
Are there any Java APIs or built-in functions to solve annuity problems?
My boss asked me to create a module to calculate reverse compounds The question is: if I want to achieve $1.000 in 24 …… -
Java – adds a char to the string at position X
public String addLetter(char letter,int position,char[] word){ public String addLetter(char letter,int position,char[]…… -
Java – why is my field not initialized to the value I gave it
I have the following courses: public abstract class AClass { public AClass() { aMethod(); } abst…… -
Java – search the scala list to find what matches the attribute
What are the usual Scala methods? I have a list. If I find something that meets certain conditions, I want to return "…… -
Java – Oracle – pool connected to spring framework
We are trying at @ L_ 301_ Implement Oracle connection pool with the help of 0 @ framework We are using the DBCP conne…… -
Java – use list Multiple use of size () or variable? (local optimization)
I have a simple function called many In this function, I have many call list sizes (including about 10 elements): list…… -
There are many if conditions in Java
I just started learning Java and have a very basic problem I have a label. I want to change the color when a random in…… -
Why is this code sent to me stackoverflow in Java
I tried to use long and double with C, K, n variables, but NetBeans showed a stack overflow error: public class Main {…… -
Java – replace the contents in curly braces with something else (e.g. {1}) [copy]
See English answers > java: string formatting with placeholders 3 Hey {1},you are {2}. Here 1 and 2 are keys whose …… -
Java – why are different long values converted to the same date / time?
public static void getTime() { public static void getTime() { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( "yyyy-M…… -
Java – NullPointerException when using customlistadapter
I created customlistadapter in Android appiclation But when I implement it, I get this error NullPointerException This…… -
Java: generic filter mapping function
I'm trying to develop a general function to filter maps My code so far is: public static Map<?,?> filterAttrs(Ma…… -
Does the java compiler pre calculate the sum of text?
int i = 10 + 20; int i = 10 + 20; Is it true that the compiler will process this code, add 10 and 20 bytes, and the co…… -
Java – how do I set the resource ID for a token?
I try to use this guide to implement restful web services of oaof: I can …… -
Java – jtabbedpane: displays the task progress in the tab
I have a simple swing Java application that performs a search and the results are displayed in a new tab When the sear…… -
Java – the trouble of iterating HashMap using JSF, myfaces, and facelets
I had some trouble looping through HashMap to print its values to the screen Someone can check my code carefully to se…… -
Java – a document error that occurs when a node is appended to XML
public static Node createNodeFromXMLString(String xml) throws SAXException,IOException { public static Node createNode…… -
Java enumeration using enumeration in constructor
Can I have enumerations in Java take a set of enumerations as parameters? If so, how can I achieve it? When I use this…… -
Java – return statement in void method
I have the following method to return void. I need to use it in another method that also returns void @H_ 403_ 9@ @H_ …… -
String operation in Java
I asked the following two questions in an interview yesterday 1 GT; Given a string, calculates a new string in which a…… -
How to judge the efficiency of Java code
I just realized that from a computational point of view, I don't know how to judge whether a piece of Java code is val…… -
How does the Java link list loop using the for loop?
Hello, I'm trying to create a for loop that iterates through the linked list For each data, it will be listed separate…… -
How to use JTable’s row classifier to restore the original row order?
I have enabled sorting in JTable using the setautocreaterowsorter method Clicking the column header will switch betwee…… -
Java: bad operand types
I'm a beginner. I'm sorry if this question is stupid I wrote the following code: public class Traindata { String City;…… -
Java – how to use asserttrue?
I have: package com.darlik.test; import org.junit.Assert; public class Test { public static void main(String[] …… -
Java – how to sort hash map list
I have a HashMap list, as shown below ArrayList l = new ArrayList (); HashMap m = new HashMap (); m.add("site_code","A…… -
Java time implementation
package timeToys; package timeToys; import java.util.regex.Pattern; ** * A DayTime is an immutable object that sto…… -
Java – can you request multiple types at once?
Basically, I want to do this: public interface A { void a(); } public interface B { void b(); } public class S……