java. nio. file. Nosuchfileexception: why NiO did not create a file
I'm using Java nio. File package and try to create a file using the following code private static void printReport(Str…… -
Java – there is no OpenGL context in the current thread
I'm following the tutorial on youtube, but I've encountered an OpenGL problem that I can't solve I don't know how to s…… -
Java – the file was not found when trying to compile the telegraph source code
I'm trying to build an application like telegraph I downloaded their source code( …… -
Java InputStream closed in thread
I tried to read from the InputStream in the thread The class that thread should run looks like this static private cla…… -
Java – this method contains redundancy checks for known non null values of the constant null
javac 1.7.0_79 javac 1.7.0_79 findbugs 3.0.0 Hello, I am using findbugs and I received this report with an error: This…… -
Java – try sliding windows
I try to print images like sliding windows I can't do it right Therefore, when the sliding window size is 1, it should…… -
Java – no suitable method for sort (int [], >) found
Algorithm problem: given a list of nonnegative integers, arrange them into the largest number For example, given [3,30…… -
Java – use Jackson to generate CSV without quotation marks
I'm using Jackson CSV to generate CSV files, but I want references everywhere I can't find any information on apidoc C…… -
Java – Android studio – change the default code style
I'm used to writing code in this way: private String blabla() { return "bla"; } However, Android studio has adjust…… -
Java heap memory usage fluctuates
Dear developer, I encountered heap memory usage problems in Java applications The application itself only accepts sock…… -
Get the first and last time (in milliseconds) using the Java 8 time API
I converted my time calculation from self implemented code to Java 8 time API I need from Java time. Year or Java time…… -
Java – hibernate / spring – rollback transaction in transaction
In view of this example code: public class MyServiceImpl implements MyService { @Transactional public void myT…… -
Java – the symbol ‘asynctask’ cannot be resolved in Android studio
I have a class that extends asynctask in Java, but Android studio will fail to resolve the symbol asynctask class GcmR…… -
Java – if you reopen the application, SharedPreferences is not saved
My sharing preferences will not be saved. If I reopen my game and the previously saved SharedPreferences data is not l…… -
How to achieve proper layer separation in xpage (that is, talking to Java objects instead of domino views and domino documents)
I am trying to implement appropriate layer separation in my xpage project Ideally, I try to reach the point where XML …… -
Java – how do I use null’s to sort a collection and then reverse the list?
So I'm using a list of dates, some of which are "" or null I used the answer how to handle nuts when using java collec…… -
Address mapping of Java cassnadra object freeze annotation > >,
I tried to insert data into Cassandra (2.1.9) create table user{ name text,addresses map<text,frozen<lis…… -
Java – valid anagrams code – one of 32 cases failed Through 31 cases
I tried to write a little code for the puzzle, and then I wrote onw String s = "anagram"; String t = "nagara"; Map<…… -
Java – what’s the difference between Hudson and Jenkins?
How to choose between Hudson and Jenkins? [closed] 8 Please advise me which is most suitable for Java CI construction …… -
Java – spring MVC hibernate encoding / multi line SQL import
I'm studying spring MVC, When the project starts, I have set up the database to import the default SQL and use hiberna…… -
Java – unable to parse com parse. ParseQueryAdapter
My current settings: >Operating system: Windows 7 > ide: Android studio (with updated SDK) > parse jar (V 1.1…… -
Java – hibernate – OGM [persistenceunit: person] cannot build hibernate sessionfactory
I received the following error Utilty. java public class Utility { private static EntityManagerFactory entityManag…… -
Unexpected negative number in Java
import java.util.*; import java.util.*; public class Prac9FibonacciNumbers { public static void main(String[] arg…… -
RX Java – cancel observable in rxjava
I have an observable object that is performing a download However, when I click the button, I want to cancel the obser…… -
Multithreading – parallel execution of computationally expensive mappings
I'm new to the reactivex Library (I use its Scala variant, RX Scala) I have an observable that sends values at a high …… -
Symfony – @ uniqueconstraint and @ column (unique = true) options differ at the doctrine ORM level
At the database level, there is no difference in defining uniqueness with one option instead of another, as shown belo…… -
Java – how to link an object to a thread so that wait() and notify() work
In Java, object and thread are separate classes Although we have wait () / notify () methods, the Java object source c…… -
Java – neo4j connection string
I use neo4j as the graphic database of my research papers. It is difficult for me to put neo4j2 3.1 connect with simpl…… -
Java – inheritance aware class for mapping to replace the ‘instanceof’ series
I'm looking for some magical class map utilities that give a type and return the value associated with that type or it…… -
Java – what’s the difference between creating objects in these two ways?
I want to know the difference between these: 1-) JFrame frame = new JFrame(); JLabel label = new JLabel("example"); fr…… -
Java – the difference between defining variables inside and outside a loop
In terms of style or performance, is it better to define variables inside or outside the loop? For example: int var; f…… -
Java – moves characters in a string to the left
I'm a novice at stack overflow. I have a lab problem with a programming class that has been avoiding me The problem re……