Enable third-party cookies for Android WebView
I encountered some problems when using the old API version. Some links of some websites did not respond because they h…… -
Java – should I add a confirm password field to Android?
I'm a novice on Android. I've just started registering for my application. I've found many tutorials like this one Wha…… -
The Android location service cannot run in the background
I'm developing a location app. When the user presses the button, the application should start tracking some statistics…… -
Android – the onplaceselectedlistener of supportplaceautocompletefragment is not triggered inside the viewpager
My application has an activity with viewpager and four fragments. In one fragment, I added a Google supportplace autoc…… -
Android switchcompat plays animation on toggle() or setchecked()
I added switchcompat. Com to Android's drawrnavigation First, I set the actionlayout of the project to switchlayout.xm…… -
Android unit testing is a good way to transform the interface declaration
I have the next interface declaration: public interface FundaService { @GET( "/Feeds/Aanbod.svc/json/{key}" ) …… -
Android – use getprimaryclip() to copy the given data, given {text / plain {null}}
I get the information of {text / plain {null}} when using clipdata, but if I use the deprecated method mclipboard. Get…… -
Android Gmail listview flip animation
I tried to create an animation, as we saw in Gmail's listview widget. When we select a line, we press the circle on th…… -
Android – in the skobbler API, what unit is annotation. Setoffset()
When setting a custom image for a map marker (annotation) on a skobbler map, you can use skannotation.seoffset (skscre…… -
Java Picasso pictures are not loaded in GridView Android
I have been making movie applications (learning Android project work on udacity btw). I have encountered some problems…… -
Android – automatically display error text in EditText
I'm using similar code EditText.setError("Something went wrong"); Display errors on EditText. However, only exclamat…… -
Android – I can’t generate a signed apk
I want to update my application, but when I try to generate a signed APK, I receive the following error message: Pleas…… -
Android – use coordinator layout in Recycle Bin view
How to make the recycler view move with the viewpager? The recycler view does not move with the view pager. I have use…… -
EditText phone number mask for Android
I'm developing an application for Android. In this application, users need to register and enter a phone number. I wan…… -
How to get onedriveclient object in Java class
I'm using the onedrive SDK for Android. It's working with activity. But how do I get the onedriveclient object in the …… -
Invalid on empty object reference (Android. View. View $on)
I have started developing applications. In some way, I made an error in the detailactivity. Java class. I can't recogn…… -
Develop Android WebDAV server
In my application, I have a nanohttpd server But now I want to add a WebDAV sup…… -
Java multithreaded callback method
There is a service in my application that enables clients to register to receive callbacks from the service. I try to …… -
Android – dynamically add multiple textviews to tablerow through SQL loop
I've searched here, but it seems that I can't solve this problem. I have a Scrollview. In the Scrollview is LinearLayo…… -
Byte [] and java.lang.outofmemoryerror read / write file bitwise
I'm committed to erasing some free space in Android. Here's my code: private void creatingFileDelete(int size, int pas…… -
How do I implement listview in appcompatactivity?
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { protected List<ParSEObject> mStatus; @Override …… -
Android – TextureView with camera preview
I want to use TextureView to display the camera preview. Finally, I want to use TextureView to set the opacity for the…… -
Android media player retains application instances and causes memory leaks
I have a media player activity as a member variable My media player is initialized as follows: mMediaPlayer = new Medi…… -
Rxjava: an illegalargumentexception is thrown when the “first” operator is used
When I use the observable. First () operator, an illegalargumentexception message appears, saying "the sequence contai…… -
Java – use gradle with jcenter in Android studio
Editor: I've made it clear. I implemented jbaruch's suggestion for the all projects - > repositories section of the…… -
Alpha Sprint (2 / 4)
##Personal PSP is a process 124124124theestimated time consuming (min) for the process 124124theestimated estimated ti…… -
Sticky concurrent mark cleanup GC released
I'm trying to issue a simple rest request through retrofit and encounter many GC errors. I really don't know how to so…… -
JavaScript meteor stays in “start application on Android device”
meteor run android-device -p 8099 --verbose Getting installed version for platform android in Cordova project Checking…… -
Android – the progressbar spinner for asynchronous tasks does not work
My problem is that when I click the button "click" to call my API, my progress bar (spinner) should be displayed when …… -
Android – running automated tests using appium and selenium grids runs on only one device
I am trying to run some mobile automation tests using appium and selenium grid. After all the configuration work is co…… -
Android – how to connect to SQL Server database from Delphi firemonkey
I want to connect to MS SQL server to use firemonkey to insert or update some data for my Android application. I am us…… -
Android tablayout does not change the tab (clip) when clicked
About tablayout, when I slide left or right, the next tab expands - the clip displays correctly - but when I click the……