Android – how to configure portable Wi Fi hotspot settings via onclick?
How do I open the following directory: settings / wireless and networking / binding and portable hotspot / portable Wi…… -
How do I align listview text to the right in Android?
I have a list view in the Android application for displaying ArrayList containing string. I can't find any properties …… -
Detailed explanation of FrameLayout in Android
Reference link: 36772866/article/details/89010678 -
Add a column to SQLite table in Android?
I want to add another column to the table in the existing SQLite database Maybe, or what do I need to do to upgrade it…… -
Android – Proguard failed after updating Google play service to version 5.0 (revision 18)
My ant script for compiling my Android application works normally, but after updating the Google play service library …… -
How to get the currently available RAM in an Android device
See the English answer > how to get current memory usage in Android? 9 devices in which we enter the management app…… -
java – division double android
My department on Android has a problem: double test= 100/ 1280; double test2 = 0.2354; System.out.println(…… -
Java – calculates the time difference between the current and future times
I want to calculate the time difference (in milliseconds) between the time of the day (11:00 a.m. on October 1, 2012) …… -
Android – textrendering in textview and EditText
I have a simple layout like this: <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" andr…… -
Java – user registration page not verified
<?PHP $name = $_POST["name"]; $age = $_POST["age"]; $email = $_POST["email"]; $passw…… -
Android – why do the properties textapparancelarge and textapparancemedium define different text colors
There are three styles in the styles.xml file: <style name="TextAppearance.Large"> <item name="android:te…… -
Android – Google Analytics crash and exception anti aliasing
I have set up Google Analytics, so I see all uncapped crashes and exceptions I also use Proguard to confuse. So these …… -
Android – intent equivalent in WP7
Does WP7 have the same concept as Android intents? Basically, I want to use my application to interact with another ap…… -
Java – I-phone VM for Android
I'm considering setting up a project to create an I-phone virtual machine for Android 2.0 (read Motorola Droid). Befor…… -
Android – by default, how to set ionic to be rendered in IOS style?
Now, ion applications default to Android style rendering. I don't want to use it every time? Ionicplatform = IOS param…… -
The selected device is not compatible – Android studio
I have solved this problem before, but I can't now. I need to fix it permanently. When testing my application, everyth…… -
Java – use XSLT to convert XML to HTML
What I'm doing: I'm trying to convert XML to HTML using XSLT Problem: the program is executing without any errors. It …… -
The chrome solution on Android does not trigger intent when clicking a link
TIMEOUT It may eventually be repaired, but at the same time, does anyone know the solution? If I control the link myse…… -
Android – number of grids for different devices
I have a question. I should know the number of GridViews per line for different devices. Like tablets and WVGA phones,…… -
Android – how do I add threads?
This continues from this post's question I can't imagine how to add a separate thread from the main UI thread to colle…… -
Java – how to draw a border around MapView
I try to draw margins around MapView when I click a button So that's what I've tried. It doesn't work. MapView is in a…… -
Android – how do I hide image buttons?
I have an imagebutton. I want to hide the button in oncreate method after 5 seconds. Can anyone help me resolvent: onC…… -
Android performance analysis and optimization notes – 5 layout optimization
Asynclayoutinflator side relief XML is converted into Java code during X2C compilation. If it is compatible, the adapt…… -
Java – inserts an object into a specific location in jsonarray
I want to add objects to a specific location in jsonarray. My current jsonarray looks like this { "imgs": [ …… -
Android – why is my app incompatible with Nexus 7 in Google play?
See English answers > why my app is not showing up on tables in Google play? Seven apps I just released for my phon…… -
Android: how to customize view layout using XML
I come from the world of GWT and uibinder. I am used to defining custom components by extending composite, and then pu…… -
Android – call setcontentview() from broadcast receiver
In my application, two classes are Internetactivity, which only extends activity and sets contentview to main. And ext…… -
Android – how to kill specific activities?
When my Android application starts, it will start the main activity. It displays a full screen image for 5 seconds, an…… -
Android decompile
Tools required: dex2jar : JD-GUI:…… -
Android – change the text color of listview items
How to change the text color of the item added to the listview. I need to change the color programmatically in the cod…… -
Duplicate entries in Android class generated by R
I have this line public static final int text_view222=0x7f060077; It is repeated in my file and causes an e…… -
Android multi touch zoom
I'm trying to implement multi touch zoom in and zoom out for my application. My application is to view slides of image……