Android – Scrollview cannot run in cardview
I have searched, and none of the answers will help me This is my layout XML: < …… -
Android – manage online status in cloud firestore
In the firebase real-time database, we can easily manage the user status by keeping the reference to the node and upda…… -
Android disables lint “unused declaration” for the entire project
In an Android library project, I have many unused declarations because they are mainly called from outside the project…… -
Android-o starts on the secondary display
When I try to start the activity intention, the new activityoptions setlaunchdisplayid (int launchdisplayid) function …… -
Android – push notification after an application is killed
I can't seem to receive the FCM push notification sent from the FCM console after I kill the application on Android, s…… -
Java – how does Android save native libraries when applications stop
I developed an application with background tasks on C. the task was completed in 1 minute. Intentservi с E call the ta…… -
Android – is there any way to reward firebase for inviting senders to accept their invitation?
I have an application that allows users to invite their friends through firebase. I want to reward the sender of the i…… -
android – Dagger 2 Singleton vs Real Singleton
I want to use daggers in my project. 2. Dagger provides a good method to create singletons. I have some in the project…… -
Check Google play purchase from Java Server
I'm trying to verify the purchase using the Google play API. I'm buying a Buyid and I'm trying to get its status by ca…… -
Android – how to disable native toast messages
I am creating a remote application. One of the buttons on the remote control can adjust the volume up and down. I have…… -
Android – IOException when using loopj synchttpclient
I need to use loopj's synchttpclient in several areas. When I use asynchttpclient, the request returns successfully. W…… -
Delay in sending data from mobile app to Android wear
Invalid Sign I also try to use the report library for wearable. I can confirm that it is feasible at the mobile end, b…… -
Android – how to get image URI from Gallery
I need to get an image from the gallery. I can open the gallery to select an image, but it will not return anything af…… -
Android – rxjava observeon and subscribeon in Retrofit
Observeon: this method only changes the threads of all downstream operators(…… -
Android – “dialog failed with unknown” error response. Facebook application invitation, switching in FB account
I made an error in my android Facebook app invitation. Everything is fine. I switched my account from Facebook and now…… -
Android – displays non on page ads after a certain number of clicks
I want to display the AdMob insert ad when the user clicks the button. But I don't want to display the ad every time t…… -
Android – what is the correct location for initializing class variables in kotlin
A: initialize the class variables in the init block private class ViewHolder(view: View) { val menuImg: ImageView …… -
Entity list relationship in Android room
I'm trying to load the entity sublist, but I want to avoid 2 queries I'm thinking about querying in TypeConverter, but…… -
Android – the node has not been attached to the view in ‘propsanimatednode. Updateview’
Sometimes I can see this message, but only in Android, I think it will appear every time an alarm is displayed Alert.a…… -
Android – how to get time if some conditions encounter gyroscope reading
Invalid Sign Example – if my phone is stationary, the gyro sensor will provide x = 0.0, y = 0.0, z = 0.0. If the readi…… -
Android – kotlin: sugar ORM insists @ ignoring attributes
In my Android application, I used kotlin with sugarorm. I encountered a problem trying to prevent some properties from…… -
Android – react native – touchableopacity cannot work in an absolutely positioned view
I have a view with absolute positioning. It has three touchableopacity components, but the three components can't resp…… -
Android – java.lang.stackoverflowerror: the stack size is 8MB, and textview#settextisselectable is enabled / disabled in the listview adapter
Invalid Sign Here is my code example. If I have any errors, please let me know import; import and…… -
Java – torch / flashlight application (Android. Hardware. Camera is not recommended)
I have a torch / flashlight application that uses this code open params = camera.getParameters(); params.setFl…… -
Cardview non removable gray underline (Android 4.0.4 device)
In Android 4.0.4, my card view appears in the false gray underline near the bottom. I can't seem to get rid of it. I t…… -
Rxjava rx.exceptions.missingbackpressureexception with filter and mapping
I've just started using rxjava / rxandroid, and I have some questions to know how to deal with back pressure correctly…… -
Java – glsurfaceview using OpenGL es 3.1 context
I'm working with Android using OpenGL. I know how to use glsurfaceview and its custom derived classes to create an Ope…… -
Android – layout baseline to baseline with auto resizing constraints
I'm trying to align two text views according to the baseline and use autosize for textization. This is a simplified co…… -
How do I share videos on twitter using Twitter toolkit 3 in Android?
After removing the structure, now use Twitter toolkit 3 in twitter Case: >I need to share text, images and videos w…… -
Does Android studio compress the classes.dex file?
It seems that the classes.dex of the APK file in the output folder is different from the installed application I am us…… -
Multiple mapbox instances on Android
I need an instance of a map box map. One is active and the other is superimposed as a mode in the clip. The map in the…… -
Android project integrates kotlin, which makes the project unable to run (a red cross appears) solution
Recently, the project is not too busy. It plans to lead to kotlin, which Google has pushed for several years. After al……