[Android] mobile guard setup wizard page
Set the wizard page, judge whether it has been set through shared preferences, and jump to different pages
custom style
In RES / values / styles.xml
Add a node < style name = ">, and set the name attribute
In the < style > node, add a node < item name = "> and set the name attribute, which is the various parameters of the layout
In the text of < item >, set various parameter values of the layout
Reference style in layout file, style = "@ style / xxxxxxxxx"
Place a small icon to the left of the textview
Use the icon attribute Android: drawableleft = "@ Android: drawable / xxxxxxxxx" on the left to reference the icon of the Android system, for example: @ Android: drawable / star_ big_ on
The icon is vertically centered, and the alignment attribute Android: gravity = "center" is used_ vertical”
Small dot below the guide page
Linear layout, horizontal, ImageView, package content, overall center
Use the system icon @ Android: drawable / presence_ online
@android:drawable/presence_ invisible
Customize button status background
Define in RES / drawable / button.xml file and add node < selector >
Press the define button to add the < item > node and set the status attribute Android: state_ pressed=”true”
Set picture properties Android: drawable = "XXXX"
Set the button focus status, add the < item > node, and set the status attribute Android: state_ focus=”true”
Define the default picture of the button, add the < item > node, and set the picture attribute Android: drawable = "XXXX"
Set picture properties Android: drawable = "XXXX"
In the layout file, set the background for the button, Android: background = "@ drawable / xxxxx"
activity_ lost_ find.xml
button_ selector.xml