Retrieve the value from the package
I created an application, such as an email client application, such as gmail
When the user clicks an e-mail address in another application and selects my application from the e-mail sending application, it appears in the list
E - mail content (such as e - mail address, e - mail subject, and...) is deliberately sent to my application
But the problem is intent. Getdata(); It's always null. I try to get email data from intent
I tested the bundle of intent and found that it is not null, and when writing this Code:
bundle = intent.getExtras();
Bundle. Tostring() returns bundle [{Android. Intent. Extra. Email = [ljava. Lang. string; @ 11cda76c}]
I don't know what this is [ljava. Lang. string; @ 11cda76c}, and how to get an email address from here?
Passing values through bundle and get its value on other activity
bundle = this.getIntent().getExtras();
String email= bundle.getString("EMAIL");
bundle = this.getIntent().getExtras();
String [] emails=bundle.getStringArray(Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL );