Solutions not shown in toast above Android 5.0
Cause analysis
When users use Android 5.0 or above systems to install the app, they turn off the permission of message notification. In fact, the user only wants to close notification, but the show method of toast calls the inoticationmanager class, which is disabled when the user closes the message notification permission, so our toast cannot be displayed.
design sketch
Custom toast (top) and toast (bottom) comparison
Problem solving
Since the system does not allow us to call toast, we will set up our own portal - write a toast ourselves. Our general idea is to add a view to the layout of the activity to achieve the toast effect.
Toast background shape definition
We know that the background of the shape is a translucent black fillet effect:
Therefore, we use the corners and solid nodes of shape:
Define layout
In the layout, we mainly use the textview control to set the corresponding margin and background. The layout code is as follows:
Java code logic
The Java code logic of the custom toast mainly imitates the two methods of maketext() and show() of the system toast. In addition, the reset() method is also required to switch the context when the activity switches during the toast display. The key codes are as follows:
Maketext (context, string message, int hide_delay) method:
Maketext (context, int resid, int hide_delay) method
Show() method
Method call
The use of custom toast is similar to that of system toast. The calling method is as follows:
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope the content of this article can be helpful to Android developers. If you have any questions, you can leave a message.