Android popupwindow enables right, left and bottom pop-up menus
This tutorial shares the specific code of Android popupwindow pop-up menu for your reference. The specific contents are as follows
Project code: (
The project SDK is 5.1. It is recommended to copy the code to your own project
The code is as follows:
Mainactivity class:
Two layout files:
1.activity_ Main.xml, just three buttons
2. Pop.xml, also three buttons, can be modified by yourself
Left pop-up menu animation file:
in_ Lefttoright.xml: enter from the left
out_ Righttoleft.xml: from the right
Other animation files are written by reference, which are used by fromxdelta, fromydelta, toxdelta and toydelta.
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to your study, and I hope you can support programming tips.