Android notification details and example code
Android notification instance details
1. Use builder mode to create
2. You must set a smallicon or setticker
3. Setcontenttitle, setcontentinfo, setcontenttext and setWhen can be set
4. You can set setdefaults (flashing screen, sound, vibration) and set flags through notification
5. A notification manager (getsystemservice) needs to be obtained for sending; notify(int id,Notification)
6. Clear manager.cancelall (int ID); If you need to access the following 16 APIs, you need to import the V4 package and use the notificationcompat compatible class.
Custom notification
Use remoteviews to create a layout, and then use setcontent () to set it;
Click events are completed using pendingintent
Here is a case
Mainactivity class
Oneactivity class
Finally, remember to register activity
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