There is a checkbox in the item of listview. Causes and solutions of setonitemclick failure
1: Root layout settings for item
Android: clickable = "true", and then the item click event will become invalid. Set Android: descendantfocusability = "blocksdecedents" for the root layout and check@R_ 562_ 2419 @ setting Android: focusable = "false" will not work, so do not set Android: clickable = "true" for the item root layout
2: Set Android: descendantfocusability = "blocksdecedents" for the item root layout
Beforedescendants: ViewGroup will take precedence over its subclass controls and get the focus. Afterdescendants: ViewGroup can get the focus only when its subclass controls do not need to get the focus. Blocksdecedents: ViewGroup will override the subclass controls and get the focus directly
III: check@R_ 562_ 2419 @ set Android: focusable = "false"
The above is a brief introduction to you. The listview item contains check@R_ 562_ 2419 @, the causes and solutions of setonitemclick failure. I hope it will help you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message, and Xiaobian will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support for the programming tips website!