Alertdialog and custom dialog commonly used in Android
Common dialog boxes include confirmation dialog box, radio button dialog box, multi-choice button dialog box, check button dialog box, and user-defined dialog box
Common methods of alertdialog
Settitle: sets the title for the dialog box
SetMessage: set content for dialog box
Seticon: sets the icon for the dialog box
Set items sets the list to display in the dialog box
Setmultichoiceitems: generally used for check box display
Setsinglechoiceitem:, set radio button
Setneutralbutton: normal button
Setpositivebutton: add OK button
Setnegativebutton: add cancel button
Setview: set custom style
The following is an example to understand these methods
This is the result of the run:
Layout file
activity_ main.xml
Custom dialog layout file
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