Android implements circular gradient loading progress bar
The recent design requires a circular progress bar gradient:
1. Draw a circular progress bar
2. Solve the problem
Final implementation effect code
package com.view; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.TypedArray; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.view.View; import com.fx.R; public class CompletedView extends View { // 画实心圆的画笔 private Paint mCirclePaint; // 画圆环的画笔 private Paint mRingPaint; // 画圆环的画笔背景色 private Paint mRingPaintBg; // 画字体的画笔 private Paint mTextPaint; // 圆形颜色 private int mCircleColor; // 圆环颜色 private int mRingColor; // 圆环背景颜色 private int mRingBgColor; // 半径 private float mRadius; // 圆环半径 private float mRingRadius; // 圆环宽度 private float mstrokeWidth; // 圆心x坐标 private int mXCenter; // 圆心y坐标 private int mYCenter; // 字的长度 private float mTxtWidth; // 字的高度 private float mTxtHeight; // 总进度 private int mTotalProgress = 100; // 当前进度 private int mProgress; private String string; public CompletedView(Context context,AttributeSet attrs) { super(context,attrs); // 获取自定义的属性 initAttrs(context,attrs); initVariable(); } //属性 private void initAttrs(Context context,AttributeSet attrs) { TypedArray typeArray = context.getTheme().obtainStyledAttributes(attrs,R.styleable.TasksCompletedView,0); mRadius = typeArray.getDimension(R.styleable.TasksCompletedView_radius,80); mstrokeWidth = typeArray.getDimension(R.styleable.TasksCompletedView_strokeWidth,10); mCircleColor = typeArray.getColor(R.styleable.TasksCompletedView_circleColor,0xFFFFFFFF); mRingColor = typeArray.getColor(R.styleable.TasksCompletedView_ringColor,0xFFFFFFFF); mRingBgColor = typeArray.getColor(R.styleable.TasksCompletedView_ringBgColor,0xFFFFFFFF); mRingRadius = mRadius + mstrokeWidth / 2; } RectF oval; //初始化画笔 private void initVariable() { oval = new RectF(); //内圆 mCirclePaint = new Paint(); mCirclePaint.setAntiAlias(true); mCirclePaint.setColor(mCircleColor); mCirclePaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); mCirclePaint.setstrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND); //外圆弧背景 mRingPaintBg = new Paint(); mRingPaintBg.setAntiAlias(true); mRingPaintBg.setColor(mRingBgColor); mRingPaintBg.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); mRingPaintBg.setstrokeWidth(mstrokeWidth); //外圆弧 mRingPaint = new Paint(); mRingPaint.setAntiAlias(true); // mRingPaint.setColor(mRingColor); mRingPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); mRingPaint.setstrokeWidth(mstrokeWidth); mRingPaint.setstrokeCap(Paint.Cap.ROUND);//设置线冒样式,有圆 有方 //中间字 mTextPaint = new Paint(); mTextPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mTextPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); mTextPaint.setColor(mRingColor); mTextPaint.setTextSize(mRadius / 2); Paint.FontMetrics fm = mTextPaint.getFontMetrics(); mTxtHeight = (int) Math.ceil(fm.descent - fm.ascent); } SweepGradient sweepGradient; //画图 @Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) { mXCenter = getWidth() / 2; mYCenter = getHeight() / 2; //内圆 canvas.drawCircle(mXCenter,mYCenter,mRadius,mCirclePaint); //外圆弧背景 RectF oval1 = new RectF(); oval1.left = (mXCenter - mRingRadius); = (mYCenter - mRingRadius); oval1.right = mRingRadius * 2 + (mXCenter - mRingRadius); oval1.bottom = mRingRadius * 2 + (mYCenter - mRingRadius); canvas.drawArc(oval1,360,false,mRingPaintBg); //圆弧所在的椭圆对象、圆弧的起始角度、圆弧的角度、是否显示半径连线 //外圆弧 if (mProgress > 0 ) { oval.left = (mXCenter - mRingRadius); = (mYCenter - mRingRadius); oval.right = mRingRadius * 2 + (mXCenter - mRingRadius); oval.bottom = mRingRadius * 2 + (mYCenter - mRingRadius); if (sweepGradient==null) { int[] arcColors= new int[]{mRingColor,Color.parseColor("#b05e39"),mRingColor}; float[] arcPostion=new float[]{0.0f,0.5f,0.95f}; // sweepGradient = new SweepGradient(mXCenter,mRingColor,Color.parseColor("#b05e39")); sweepGradient = new SweepGradient(mXCenter,arcColors,arcPostion); Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); matrix.setRotate(-90,mXCenter,mYCenter); sweepGradient.setLocalMatrix(matrix); mRingPaint.setShader(sweepGradient); } canvas.drawArc(oval,-90,((float)mProgress / mTotalProgress) * 360,mRingPaint); // //字体 String txt = mProgress + "%"; mTxtWidth = mTextPaint.measureText(txt,txt.length()); canvas.drawText(txt,mXCenter - mTxtWidth / 2,mYCenter + mTxtHeight / 4,mTextPaint); } } public void setText(String string){ } //设置进度 public void setProgress(int progress) { mProgress = progress; postInvalidate();//重绘 } }
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