Android custom clock effects
Recently, I've been busy. Self customization has always been a weakness. I've always wanted to play with the whole clock. I've read it online and learned a lot. Now I'll make my own customization
First of all, the first step in making clocks must be to draw a circle. This is the most direct thinking!
First, create your own custom class, inherit the view, rewrite the construction method, initialize the brush and set the color in the first and second constructions. The first constructor is similar to our direct new object, and the second is used when referencing XML files
public class Watch extends View { private Paint mPaint; private Context context; public Watch(Context context) { super(context); this.context = context; init(); } public Watch(Context context,@Nullable AttributeSet attrs) { super(context,attrs); this.context = context; init(); } public Watch(Context context,@Nullable AttributeSet attrs,int defStyleAttr) { super(context,attrs,defStyleAttr); } private void init() { mPaint = new Paint(); //抗锯齿 mPaint.setAntiAlias(true); mPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); //分三种,stroke之绘制轮廓,不绘制内容;FILL,只绘制内容;FILL_AND_stroke,内容和轮廓都绘制 mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); }
Start drawing a circle
//设置线宽,线宽默认是1 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(2); //在屏幕中心画圆,半径为屏幕的1/3 canvas.drawCircle(getWidth() / 2,getHeight() / 2,getWidth() / 3,mPaint);
Draw the center of a circle
//整个屏幕中心为圆心点 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(5); canvas.drawPoint(getWidth() / 2,mPaint);
Next, start drawing the vertical line in the table
//安卓坐标系默认实在左上角的,现在我们需要将坐标轴移动到圆心位置,这样利于我们绘制线 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(1); //坐标原点平移到圆心的位置 canvas.translate(getWidth() / 2,getHeight() / 2); for (int i = 0; i < 360; i++) { //刻度线长度为20,一圈是360度,并且秒针转一圈为60秒,所以一秒就对应360度/60秒=6度,那么五秒也就是5*6 = 30度 if (i % 30 == 0) { //长的 canvas.drawLine(getWidth() / 3 - 25,mPaint); } else if (i % 6 == 0) { //中的 canvas.drawLine(getWidth() / 3 - 14,mPaint); } //每绘制一次就旋转1度,总共绘制了360条线 canvas.rotate(1); }
Then draw the numbers save and restore in pairs. In order that this block operation does not affect the following elements, one is saved and the other is taken out; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { if (i == 0) { trans(canvas,12 + "",i * 30,mPaint); } else { trans(canvas,i + "",mPaint); } } canvas.restore(); //如果直接绘制数字的画,文字也跟着旋转了,数字有的就会倒着,所以执行下面这一系列操作,再去绘制数字就正常了 public void trans(Canvas canvas,String text,int degree,Paint paint) { Rect rect = new Rect(); paint.getTextBounds(text,text.length(),rect); //先将原来的坐标轴旋转30度 canvas.rotate(degree); //将旋转完成的坐标轴平移到上方 它只是在y轴进行的平移,所以x轴为0,y轴也就是圆心的位置减去35,35是自己固定的位置,可适当自己修改;但是为负值,因为在y轴的上方,Android坐标系往下为正数 canvas.translate(0,-(getWidth() / 3 - 35)); //这时在将原来旋转的30都转回去,此时的坐标轴与开始的坐标轴都是直立的,只不过现在的位置处于原来坐标轴的 右上方 canvas.rotate(-degree); //开始写文字 1,2,3,。。。。。12 因为文字写 canvas.drawText(text,-rect.width() / 2,rect.height() / 2,paint); //写完文字后开始将坐标轴复原 先是顺时针旋转30都, canvas.rotate(degree); //再平移到圆心的位置 canvas.translate(0,getWidth() / 3 - 35); //在逆时针平移30都 canvas.rotate(-degree); }
Finally, draw minute hand, second hand and hour hand
//秒针; //save方法作用是将画布先保存下来,为了不影响其他的元素,例如绘制两张图片,绘制完第一张接着绘制第二张,第二张可能就会受到第一张的影响,变形啊或者压缩了 mPaint.setColor(Color.RED); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke);//绘制边框 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(2);//边框宽度 canvas.rotate(secondDegree);//这三个变量在下面代码中 canvas.drawLine(0,-100,mPaint);//竖直的,只在Y轴上,所以X轴都为0,100其实是指针的长度,因为在上方,所以为负数 canvas.restore(); //分针; mPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke);//绘制边框 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(4);//边框宽度 比指针粗点 canvas.rotate(minuteDegree); canvas.drawLine(0,-80,mPaint); canvas.restore(); //时针; //mPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke);//绘制边框 mPaint.setstrokeWidth(6);//边框宽度 比指分针粗点 canvas.rotate(hourDegree); canvas.drawLine(0,-60,mPaint); canvas.restore();
Finally, let the three needles run
private float secondDegree; private float minuteDegree; private float hourDegree; private Timer timer = new Timer(); private TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (secondDegree == 360) { secondDegree = 0; } if (minuteDegree == 360) { minuteDegree = 0; } if (hourDegree == 360) { hourDegree = 0; } //这三个变量的换算方式,变量名起分针和秒针起反了,也无所谓了 //第一个360/60=6,也就是一秒钟走六度 //第二个6/60 分针一秒针走0.1度 //时针,一秒钟走1/120度 secondDegree = secondDegree + 6; minuteDegree = minuteDegree + 0.1f; hourDegree = hourDegree + 1 / 120f; /** * 自定义view 刷新界面有三种 * 1:Invalidate() 如果只是内容变动,可使用此方法 * 2:postInvalidate() 涉及到线程切换的 * 3:requestLayout() view位置变动,需要调用此方法 涉及到RadioGroup */ postInvalidate();//涉及到线程,界面刷新需要使用此方法 } }; public void start() { timer.schedule(timerTask,1000); }
Call three variables in the rotation angle below and repeat the star part of the code above
//秒针; mPaint.setColor(Color.RED); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); mPaint.setstrokeWidth(2); **canvas.rotate(secondDegree);** canvas.drawLine(0,mPaint); canvas.restore(); //分针; mPaint.setColor(Color.BLACK); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); mPaint.setstrokeWidth(4); **canvas.rotate(minuteDegree);** canvas.drawLine(0,mPaint); canvas.restore(); //时针; //mPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN); mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.stroke); mPaint.setstrokeWidth(6); **canvas.rotate(hourDegree);** canvas.drawLine(0,mPaint); canvas.restore();
Finally, it is called in the activity interface
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="" xmlns:tools="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" tools:context="com.liuguijie.customwatch.MainActivity"> <com.liuguijie.customwatch.Watch android:id="@+id/watch" android:layout_centerInParent="true" android:layout_width="300dp" android:layout_height="300dp" /> </RelativeLayout>
//调用start方法 Watch watchView = findViewById(; watchView.start();
That's basically it. Just run!
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will help you in your study, and I hope you will support us a lot.