Detailed explanation of telephone dialer example developed by Android
This paper analyzes the usage of telephone dialer developed by Android. Share with you for your reference, as follows:
1. Create a new Android project named javacallphone, and create a class under package
2. Open main.xml under layout under res for layout, set the layout mode to horizontal layout, and then drag the textview, phone under text files, and button buttons from the left. The effect is as follows through new string:
3. Open to write. The specific code is as follows:
4. Open the project list file Android manifest.xml, select permissions, and add the user's call permission, as shown in the following figure:
5. Appears in the source code:
6. Finally, run as Android application to realize the dialing function
Supplement: Android telephone dialer Development Notes
Procedure steps for making calls
1. Configuration file
The page that strings.xml is responsible for is text
Main.xml is responsible for page layout and ID code of each space:
Get button by ID
Listening button (parameter view) 3. Myoncliocklistenr
Event handling: get EditText and get the reference of phone number creation intention: intent intrnt = new intent(); Set the action of the intention object setaction() dial the phone number setdata() turn on the intention statachieve (intent) modify the security exception: permissions -- > in androidmainfest.xml_ PHONE
I hope this article will help you in Android programming.