Analysis of Android mobile guard SIM card binding
Read the serial number of the SIM card and save it. Once the SIM card is changed, it is considered to be the SIM card of the thief and give a warning
Read SIM card serial number
Get the telephonymanager object through getsystemservice (telephony_service)
Call the getsimserialnumber () method of the telephonymanager object to get the serial number of string type
Save the serial number in sharedpreences
Need to add permission android.permission.read_ PHONE_ STATE
Check whether the SIM card is changed
Use the broadcast receiver to monitor the mobile phone's startup broadcast
Create a new package xxx.receiver and a new class
Register the manifest file, add the < receiver > node, and set the name Android: name = "XXX"
Add intent filter < intent Filter > node
Add an action < action / > node and set the listening action name android.intent.action.boot_ COMPLETED
In the onReceive () method of the bootcompletereceiver class, after receiving the broadcast, read the current SIM card serial number, compare the previously saved SIM card serial number, and send a short message to the security number if it is different
Monitoring boot requires permission Android: permission.receive_ BOOT_ COMPLETED