How do I get 1:1 pixels on the Android simulator?
I created an AVD without screen scaling, but the pixels don't match my screen
Is there any work here?
The screen configuration is 720 wide, but it is 413 on my screen
Editor: more experiences, answered by @ fallonreaper:
If I load a 500px wide image in the browser, it is still larger than the screen (it should be 720px wide)
This is a 500px image. There are two screenshots. Scroll to the right. It is larger than the 720px screen
Edit 2: this may be related to this pixel_ is_ Not.html
When starting the simulator from the Android virtual device manager, you must check that the "zoom" is displayed as the actual size, and then specify the "screen size" (in) and the "monitor" DPI, which are calculated as the "zoom" value of 1.0 (0.50 if you are on a retinal display) on OSX
In my example, I specified a 4.7-inch screen size and a 160 monitor DPI, which produced a 0.50 scale. When I took a screenshot of my simulator, it is now pixel to pixel, and I want to see it on the device
When starting the simulator from the command line, you can also specify the command line option - scale 1.0
If your simulator is already running, you can adjust the ratio of the emulator console by sending the window ratio of 1.0. This is too large for me to use on my retina MBP
Use the ADB device to discover the running simulator. You should see the following output:
$adb devices
List of devices attached
emulator-5554 device
You can then connect to the device and send the scale command:
$telnet localhost 5554
Trying ::1...
telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Android Console: type 'help' for a list of commands
window scale .50
telnet> quit
Connection closed.
You can do this in a script using netcat:
$echo 'window scale 0.50' | nc localhost 5554