Android – programmatic screenshot of WebView with flash element
My question is similar to this question from a few years ago, but it has never been answered. I want to know if there has been any change since I asked
I want to capture screenshots of WebView with flash elements programmatically. When I try to use the most widely described methods online (using view.draw and view.getdrawingcache), I won't capture flash elements. I believe this is related to the software and hardware rendering of elements. If I don't on this basis, please let me know
I don't actually need to do this in the final application, only during development, so I will be open to some ADB hackers, but the application needs to be able to trigger screenshots
I really appreciate any idea
thank you
Do you have root privileges? If yes – you can read the graphics buffer directly and access it through / dev / graphics / fb0
@L_ 403_ How 1 @ is discussed through ADB
Here is a post on how to complete it programmatically (you need to wrap the code with JNI layer)