Android – how to play. MP3 files in the shuttle application?
I wrote a dart web application that retrieves. MP3 files from the server and plays them; I'm trying to write a mobile version using fluent. I know dart: Web_ Audio is the main option for web applications, but fluent can't find it in my SDK. I know it's there because I can compile the following into javascript:
import 'dart:html';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:web_audio';
AudioContext audioContext;
main() async {
audioContext = new AudioContext();
var ul = (querySelector('#songs') as UListElement);
var signal = await HttpRequest.getString('');
// Map json = JSON.decode(signal);
// for (Map file in json['songs']) {
print("signal: $signal");
Map json = JSON.decode(signal);
for (Map file in json['songs']) {
var li = new LIElement()
var button = new ButtonElement();
button.setAttribute("id", "#${file['file']}");
new Song(button, file['file']);
class Song {
ButtonElement button;
bool _playing = false;
// AudioContext _audioContext;
AudioBufferSourceNode _source;
String title;
Song(this.button, this.title) {
button..onClick.listen((e) => _toggle());
_toggle() {
_playing = !_playing;
_playing ? _start() : _stop();
_start() {
return HttpRequest
.request("$title", responseType: "arraybuffer")
.then((HttpRequest httpRequest) {
return audioContext
.then((AudioBuffer buffer) {
_source = audioContext.createBufferSource();
_source.buffer = buffer;
button.text = "Stop";
_playing = false;
button.text = "Play";
_stop() {
button.text = "Play";
How to rewrite dart: Web in code for a fluent application_ Audio part? Can flutter access mediaplayer? If so, how would I reference it in pubspec.yaml?
Like Raju bitter mentioned above, flutter once provided some built-in audio wrappers in its core engine, but they were later deleted:
The application using FLUENT is only an IOS or Android application, so you can use hello_ Services model( )Some Java or obj-c code in can complete any operation that the underlying IOS / Android can perform through fluent. The model is recorded in It's not as easy as we want. Many improvements are coming soon