Android WiFi P2P remove group
I want to connect a device from one device to another. Therefore, what I want to do is to check whether the device is connected if (mydevice. Status = = 0). If it is connected, delete the group manager. Removegroup (channel, new actionlistener()
The problem here is that after doing this several times, the method removegroup() goes to onfailure() and the following error occurs: disconnection failed. Reason: 2 means "busy"
How to prevent the frame from being busy? Is there an appropriate way to disconnect between two devices in order to start a new connection to another device without any problems?
WiFi P2P creates a persistent group every time a new group is created. Therefore, only removegroup() does not work properly. You will have to use the deletepersistantgroup method (hidden). Call this method using reflection:
private void deletePersistentGroups(){
try {
Method[] methods = wifip2pManager.class.getmethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
if (methods[i].getName().equals("deletePersistentGroup")) {
// Delete any persistent group
for (int netid = 0; netid < 32; netid++) {
methods[i].invoke(manager, channel, netid, null);
} catch(Exception e) {