Android – update domain database version
I use the realm of version 0.79.0 in the current Android project. Now, I want to update the domain version to 0.84.0. I also want to use realmconfiguration in the application class to use realm. Getdefaultinstance () instead of realm. GetInstance (context) for domain initialization
I implemented a new domain version and changed the necessary configuration. But when I ran my application, it crashed and displayed an error message
Thought I hadn't changed any model class
Who can tell me how to change the domain version through the default configuration of Android without any migration? If no migration is impossible, what will the migration class be like?
You need to migrate because we introduced null support in 0.83.0. You can learn more about how to migrate here:
However, you need to add a migration as follows:
RealmMigration migration = new RealmMigration() {
public long execute(Realm realm, long version) {
Table table = realm.getTable(Dog.class);
// Needed for all Strings
return 1;
RealmConfiguration realmConfig = new RealmConfiguration.Builder(getContext())