Android – when another EditText clears the focus, stop EditText to get the focus
In my activity, I get some EditText. When I move out of focus from a topic and make it unfocused, the focus will be given to another EditText. I eliminate the focus in the following ways:
I have nothing to shift to the focus on another EditText. After removing the focus from the first element, I try to achieve this by setting the focus on another view. Therefore, I focus on the main layout, but the rolling view is invalid
How to move the focus away without moving the focus to another EditText?
thank you.
The clearfocus method implementation calls clearfocusinternal and passes true as the value of the refocus parameter. This results in a request for focus on the first focusable element. Therefore, a possible solution is to call clearfocusinternal (true, false) Through reflection, but I didn't actually check it
After in-depth study of requestfocus implementation, I found that it checked the descendantfocusability of the root view. Using this tool, I built a feasible solution:
ViewGroup rootView = (ViewGroup) atxtTag.getRootView();
int dfValue = rootView.getDescendantFocusability();
In addition, clearing focus does not hide the software keyboard, so you may also need to hide it:
InputMethodManager inputMethodManager = (InputMethodManager)getSystemService(Context.INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE);
inputMethodManager.hideSoftInputFromWindow(atxtTag.getWindowToken(), 0);