Android – the fragment startactivityforresult always returns resultcode 0 and intent null on the callback onactivityresult
I searched all similar posts about it, but I couldn't find a solution!
In my case, I have an activity a, which contains a fragment. I want to start a new activity B from this fragment, which should return some values to the fragment
On clip
startActivityForResult(mapIntent, ConstantsUtils.TOMAP_REQUEST_CODE);
On activity B, return data
Intent returnIntent = new Intent();
returnIntent.putExtra(SerializationConstants.isSearchSaved, mAbItemsShown.ordinal());
setResult (ConstantsUtils.SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE, returnIntent);
On clip
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, intent);
switch (requestCode) {
case ConstantsUtils.TOMAP_REQUEST_CODE:
if (resultCode == ConstantsUtils.SUCCESS_RETURN_CODE) {
//do some stuff
Onactivityresult in the fragment is successfully called with the correct requestcode, but the resultcode is always 0 and intent is always null
I have no other onactivityresult implementation under activity a
In fact, I also try to start the activity getactivity(). Startactivityforresult (mapintent, constantsutils. Tomap_request_code) from the fragment; And implement onactivityresult on activity a, but it has the same, correct requestcode but wrong resultcode and intent
I am using Sherlock action bar, so my fragment is Sherlock listfragment, so I am using support library (R18)
Could you help me? thank you
The result code 0 is result_ CANCELLED.
The resultCode will be RESULT_CANCELED if the activity explicitly returned that, didn't return any result, or crashed during its operation.
A common reason to get this code is to start an activity in a new task (check the intent and manifest of the tag, which will lead to the start of the new task)
In addition, if you have a parent activity, you should set its result code instead of its children (try GetParent and set its result code if it is not null)