Android – custom UI on exoplayer sample
**If you don't know anything, I really need help. Don't give me a negative point of view: | if something bothers your comment**
I want to write a custom UI for my player in exoplayer (change the pause button or add a new button such as player speed, etc.)
I use the exoplayer sample from GitHub. Before adding the code to my original project, I want to test the custom UI on the official sample
I read the page in stack overflow and focus on the custom UI, but I'm really confused!
Why is it so difficult to change some button images or change their positions:) how can I handle this?
This is a sample
I read these two articles: –mobile-22787
According to this link, "instead of writing your own media controller from scratch, you can start with the mediacontroller class included in Android." I asked this question because I can't perform this step on the exoplayer library, and the tutorial is a media player written by default
Well, it took me half a day until I didn't go deep into the library code and find the following text:
To customize the layout of the playbackcontrolview throughout the application, or for some configurations only, you can define exo in the application RES / layout directory_ playback_ control_ View.xml layout file. These layouts will overwrite the layouts provided by the exoplayer library and will be widened for playbackcontrolview
Full text:
In addition, if you want to add a custom layout, you can specify it in playerview, as shown below:
< android:id="@+id/player_view"