Implementation method of Android calendar control
This example shares the implementation code of Android calendar control for your reference. The specific contents are as follows
1. Renderings:
2. Pop up dialog: selectdatedialog:
public class SelectDateDialog { private static final String TAG = "SelectDateDialog"; private Dialog dialog; private TextView dateText; private int selectYear,selectMonth; private AppCompatActivity mContext; private DateAdapter adapter; private List<String> selWeekList = new ArrayList<>(); private List<DateBean> list = new ArrayList<>(); public SelectDateDialog builder(AppCompatActivity mContext,int year,int month) { this.mContext = mContext; this.selectYear = year; this.selectMonth = month; // 获取Dialog布局 View view = LayoutInflater.from(mContext).inflate(R.layout.dialog_date,null); // 定义Dialog布局和参数 dialog = new Dialog(mContext,; dialog.setCanceledOnTouchOutside(false);//点击外部是否取消 dialog.setCancelable(false); dialog.setContentView(view); Window window = dialog.getWindow(); WindowManager.LayoutParams params = window.getAttributes(); params.width = (ScreenUtils.getScreenWidth(mContext)); // params.height = (int) (ScreenUtils.getScreenHeight(mContext) * 0.5); window.setAttributes(params); window.setGravity(Gravity.BOTTOM); RecyclerView recycler = view.findViewById(; dateText = view.findViewById(; dateText.setText(year + "年" + month + "月"); //下个月 view.findViewById( -> { if (selectMonth > 11) { selectYear = selectYear + 1; selectMonth = 1; } else { selectMonth++; } showNewData(selectYear,selectMonth); }); //上个月 view.findViewById( -> { if (selectMonth < 2) { selectYear = selectYear - 1; selectMonth = 12; } else { selectMonth--; } showNewData(selectYear,selectMonth); }); list = DataUtils.getCalendar(year,month); adapter = new DateAdapter(mContext,list); GridLayoutManager manager = new GridLayoutManager(mContext,7); recycler.setLayoutManager(manager); recycler.setAdapter(adapter); //取消 view.findViewById( -> { dialog.dismiss(); }); //确定 view.findViewById( -> { initSelect(); }); //设置选中当天 adapter.setNowDay(year,month,DataUtils.getLastMonth(year,month)); return this; } private void showNewData(int year,int month) { list = DataUtils.getCalendar(year,month); //更新月数据 adapter.setList(list); adapter.setNowDay(year,month)); dateText.setText(year + "年" + month + "月"); } /** * 获取选中的日期 */ private void initSelect() { selWeekList.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { if (list.get(i).isFlag()) { //记录数量 selWeekList.add(selectYear + "-" + selectMonth + "-" + list.get(i).getWeek()); } } Log.e(TAG,"initSelect: "+ list.size()); Log.e(TAG,"initSelect: "+ selWeekList.size()); if (selWeekList.size() == 0) { Toast.makeText(mContext,"未选则日期",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); return; } dialog.dismiss();; Log.e(TAG,"initSelect: " + DataUtils.returnList(selWeekList)); } public void show() { if (dialog != null && (!dialog.isShowing())) {; } } private OnDateListener listener; public SelectDateDialog setListener(OnDateListener listener) { this.listener = listener; return this; } public interface OnDateListener { void date(String selectDate); } }
public class ScreenUtils { public static int getScreenWidth(Context context) { DisplayMetrics localDisplayMetrics = new DisplayMetrics(); ((Activity) context).getWindowManager().getDefaultDisplay().getMetrics(localDisplayMetrics); return localDisplayMetrics.widthPixels; } }
public class DateBean { private int week; private boolean sign; //0 上月 1本月 2下月 private int month; private boolean isFlag; public boolean isFlag() { return isFlag; } public void setFlag(boolean flag) { isFlag = flag; } public int getWeek() { return week; } public void setWeek(int week) { this.week = week; } public boolean isSign() { return sign; } public void setSign(boolean sign) { this.sign = sign; } public int getMonth() { return month; } public void setMonth(int month) { this.month = month; } public DateBean(int week,boolean sign,int month) { this.week = week; this.sign = sign; this.month = month; } }
Adapter: dateadapter
public class DateAdapter extends CommonRecyclerAdapter<DateBean> { private static final String TAG = "DateAdapter"; private Integer NowDay; private int year; private int month; public DateAdapter(Context context,List<DateBean> list) { super(context,R.layout.item_date,list); } public void setNowDay(int year,int month,int NowDay) { this.NowDay = NowDay; this.year = year; this.month = month; notifyDataSetChanged(); } @Override public void convert(RecyclerHolder holder,DateBean item,int position) { TextView number = holder.getView(; number.setText(item.getWeek() + ""); //当前年月等于切换年月时才选中当天 if (position == NowDay) { String date = year + "-" + month; if (date.equals(DataUtils.timeInMillsTrasToDate(1))) { number.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.date_unsel_shape); number.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); }else { number.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#333333")); } } else { number.setBackgroundResource(0); number.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#333333")); if (item.getMonth() == 0 || item.getMonth() == 2) { number.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#CDCDCD")); } else { number.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#333333")); } } //点击事件 number.setOnClickListener(view -> { //本月可以点击 int NowYear = Integer.parseInt(DataUtils.timeInMillsTrasToDate(2)); int NowMonth = Integer.parseInt(DataUtils.timeInMillsTrasToDate(3)); //只有在今天之后的日期才可以选中 if (year == NowYear) { if (item.getMonth() == 1 && month == NowMonth && position > NowDay) { onClick(item,number); } else if (month > NowMonth) { onClick(item,number); } } else if (year > NowYear) { onClick(item,number); } }); } private void onClick(DateBean item,TextView number) { if (item.isFlag()) { item.setFlag(false); number.setBackgroundResource(0); number.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#333333")); } else { item.setFlag(true); number.setBackgroundResource(R.drawable.date_sel_shape); number.setTextColor(Color.WHITE); } } }
Note: the commonrecycleradapter has been written before and will not be repeated here
Data source: datautils
public class DataUtils { private static final String TAG = "DataUtils"; /** * 日历 */ public static List<DateBean> getCalendar(int currentYear,int currentMonth) { //实例化集合 List<DateBean> list = new ArrayList<>(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.clear(); /** * 处理上个月月末 */ if (currentMonth - 1 == 0) { c.set(Calendar.YEAR,currentYear - 1); c.set(Calendar.MONTH,11); } else { c.set(Calendar.YEAR,currentYear); c.set(Calendar.MONTH,(currentMonth - 2)); } int last_sumDays = c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); c.set(Calendar.DATE,last_sumDays); //得到一号星期几 int weekDay = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (weekDay < 7) { for (int i = weekDay - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Integer date = new Integer(last_sumDays - i); list.add(new DateBean(date,true,0)); } } /** * 处理当前月 */ c.clear(); c.set(Calendar.YEAR,currentMonth - 1); int currentsumDays = c.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); for (int i = 1; i <= currentsumDays; i++) { Integer date = new Integer(i); list.add(new DateBean(date,1)); } /** * 处理下个月月初 */ c.clear(); if (currentMonth == 12) { c.set(Calendar.YEAR,currentYear + 1); c.set(Calendar.MONTH,0); } else { c.set(Calendar.YEAR,currentMonth); } c.set(Calendar.DATE,1); int currentWeekDay = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (currentWeekDay > 2 && currentWeekDay < 8) { for (int i = 1; i <= 8 - currentWeekDay; i++) { list.add(new DateBean(i,2)); } } return list; } /** * 获取上个月大小 */ public static Integer getLastMonth(int currentYear,int currentMonth) { //实例化集合 List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.clear(); /** * 处理上个月月末 */ if (currentMonth - 1 == 0) { c.set(Calendar.YEAR,last_sumDays); //得到一号星期几 int weekDay = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); if (weekDay < 7) { for (int i = weekDay - 1; i >= 0; i--) { list.add(i); } } Log.e(TAG,"getLastMonth: " + Integer.parseInt(timeInMillsTrasToDate(0))); return list.size() + Integer.parseInt(timeInMillsTrasToDate(0)) - 1; } /** * list转string字符串 */ public static String returnList(List<String> list) { if (null == list && list.size() == 0) { return ""; } else { //去除空格 String str = String.valueOf(list).replaceAll(" ",""); return str.substring(1,str.length() - 1); } } /** * 时间转换 */ @TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N) public static String timeInMillsTrasToDate(int formatType) { DateFormat formatter = null; switch (formatType) { case 0: formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd"); break; case 1: formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM"); break; case 2: formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy"); break; case 3: formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM"); break; } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); return formatter.format(calendar.getTime()); } }
Using: dateactivity
public class DateActivity extends AppCompatActivity { private Button openDate; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_date); openDate = this.findViewById(; openDate.setOnClickListener(view -> { showDateDialog(); }); } private void showDateDialog() { int year = Integer.parseInt(DataUtils.timeInMillsTrasToDate(2)); int month = Integer.parseInt(DataUtils.timeInMillsTrasToDate(3)); new SelectDateDialog().builder(this,year,month) .setListener(selectDate -> openDate.setText(selectDate)).show(); } }
Corresponding layout: activity_ date
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="match_parent" android:orientation="vertical"> <Button android:id="@+id/open_date" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="打开日历" /> </LinearLayout>
2. Resource file:
date_ sel_ shape.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="oval" android:useLevel="false"> <solid android:color="@color/colorAccent" /> <!--<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="@color/white"/>--> <size android:width="30dp" android:height="30dp" /> </shape>
date_ unsel_ shape.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="" android:shape="oval" android:useLevel="false"> <solid android:color="@color/colorPrimary" /> <!--<stroke android:width="1dp" android:color="@color/white"/>--> <size android:width="30dp" android:height="30dp" /> </shape>
dialog_ shape.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android=""> <corners android:radius="5dp" /> <solid android:color="#ffffff" /> </shape>
item_ date.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <LinearLayout xmlns:android="" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:gravity="center" android:padding="5dp"> <TextView android:id="@+id/item_number" android:layout_width="35dp" android:layout_height="35dp" android:gravity="center" android:text="10" android:textSize="15sp" /> </LinearLayout>
<color name="colorPrimary">#008577</color> <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#00574B</color> <color name="colorAccent">#D81B60</color>
<style name="AlertDialogStyle" parent="@android:style/Theme.Dialog"> <item name="android:windowBackground">@android:color/transparent</item> <item name="android:windowContentOverlay">@null</item> <item name="android:windowIsFloating">true</item> <item name="android:windowFrame">@null</item> <item name="android:backgroundDimEnabled">true</item> <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> <item name="android:windowIsTranslucent">true</item> </style>
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will help you in your study, and I hope you will support us a lot.
The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.