Method of permission dispatcher in Android 6.0 permission dynamic application framework
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Note description
Runtimepermissions: a required comment to comment on the activity or fragment to obtain permission
Needspermission: a required annotation used to annotate the method that needs to obtain permission
Onshowrational: an optional comment that prompts the user why to enable this permission. It is called when the user needs access permission after refusing
Onpermissiondenied: non mandatory comment, prompt when the user chooses to reject
Onneveraskagain: non mandatory comments. Prompt after the user chooses not to ask again
Access to the call: from the new compiler will generate auxiliary class xxxPermissionsDispatcher, through the xxxPermissionsDispatcher.xxxWithCheck method to call, at the same time rewrite the onRequestPermissionsResult method, in which the onRequestPermissionsResult onRequestPermissionsResult method, return the access permission results.
The above method of permission dispatcher, an Android 6.0 permission dynamic application framework, is all the content shared by Xiaobian. I hope it can give you a reference and support more programming tips.