Android realizes similar wechat page switching effect based on viewpager
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Realize viewpager and realize page switching similar to wechat. This paper realizes it through fragment adapter
First, in the layout file activity_ Add viewpager to main.xml
Viewpager is a page, and pagertabstrip and pagertitlestrip are used to set the title
Next, create three layout files to reference the viewpager adapter
Create three classes to inherit the fragment, and implement the oncreateview method through the fragment to convert the view.xml layout into view
Create an adapter, create a new class (myadapter), and inherit the fragmentpageradapter
Instantiate components and adapters in activity, add listeners, add various data sources, etc
Monitor implementation interface onpagechangelistener
Viewpager, add listening method setonpagechangelistener() method has been removed by as. It is recommended to use addonpagechangelistener() method.
PS: many of the above use the classes under Android. Support. V4. * for downward compatibility
Viewpager has three adapters that adapt to different data sources.
1. The adapter inherited from pageradapter adapts the data of list < View >
2. The adapter inherited from the fragmentadapter adapts the data of list < fragment >
3. The adapter inherited from the fragmentstateadapter adapts the data of list < fragment >
The difference between the latter two is: 2 there is no creation and destruction process, 3 there is
The above is the whole content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to your study, and I hope you can support programming tips.