Summary of creation steps of activity jump in Android
1、 Create project
File - > New - > Android application fill in the application name, project name and package name in turn. Find Src / com.example.helloworld in the project directory
2、 Add code
Before adding code, you should first enter RES / layout / activity_ In main.xml, drag and drop a button control. The activity is automatically displayed in the_ Generate button information in main.xml. Pay attention to the ID value. It is useful if you use this button
3、 Add jump activity
1. Right click Src / com.example.helloworld, new - > class, and fill in intentactivity in the name field without adding Java. 2. Add layout. Right click RES / layout, new - > Android XML file, and drag a textview onto the XML. At this time, the address of textview is automatically added in 3. Add the following code in androidmanifest.xml: complete the registration of activity
3、 Implement
4、 Run
Open the simulator or mobile phone and run it.