Or clause in firebase Java Android
Who knows how I can make a common "or" in the where clause in firebase?
I need to do this in the query because I send the query to the adapter. So, I mean, I can't add a listener and check one value and then another. I need to point to the full query of the result in the query
What I have is:
user1Id: "1"
user2Id: "2"
bothUsers: "1_2"
user1Id: "2"
user2Id: "4"
bothUsers: "2_4"
I need to get all chats of the user with ID "2". I'm trying to query as follows:
userLogged = 2;
Query queryRef = firebase.orderByChild("user2Id").equalTo(userLogged);
However, when user 2 is in user2id, it will only get chat. But in the above example, when user 2 is in user1id (chat2), it will not get it. I need to get it. How can I do this?
In NoSQL database, you usually need to model the data according to the needs of the application (see this article for a detailed description of NoSQL data modeling). Therefore, if you need all chat lists of a specific user, please store the list:
chat1: true
chat1: true
chat2: true
chat2: true
This process is called informalization, which is covered in the article linked above in firebase documentation on structuring data and blog post