New features of material design in Android 5.0

Material design needs to be used in recent projects. The following common controls are sorted out for memory.

1、 SnackBar

1. Function: similar to toast, but you can click monitor;

2. Use:

(1) SnackBar calls the static class make(), passing in three parameters: View parent component, text and display time;

(2) SnackBar calls setaction() to pass in two parameters: text, click to listen for events, and implement onclicklistener interface;

(3) Show() and hide dismis();

2、 Textinputlayout

1. Function: wrapped outside EditText, the text can be prompted above EditText, and error prompt can be set at the same time;

2. Use:

(1) Textinputlayout object calls seterroranabler() and passes in a boolean type parameter to indicate whether to display error information;

(2) Textinputlayout object calls seterror() to set error information;

3、 Floatingactionbutton

1. Function: the button suspended at the top of the page;

2. Unique attributes:

4、 Drawerlayout

1. Function: as a sub layout of the layout, it realizes the side sliding effect on the left and right sides, and is used to add menus;

2. Use: (1) take drawelayout as the root layout, and the interior can contain three or less layouts;

(2) Set Android: layout for the layout as a menu_ Gravity attribute, with the value of "left" on the left and "right" on the right;

(3) Dynamically turn layouts in drawerlayout on or off:

The drawelayout object calls opendraw() and passes in two parameter values: gravity. Left or gravity. Right to open or close the layout;

The drawerlayout object calls closedrawer(), passing in two parameter values to close the layout;

5、 Navigationview

1. Function: added as menu view of navigation bar or menu bar;

2. Use: (1) static attribute: app: headerlayout to add header layout file;

(2) static attribute: app: menu add menu file;

(3) set head view monitoring:

(3-1) get the header view: the navigationview object calls getheaderview(), passing in the index number 0;

Note: if there is no getheaderview(), you can use findviewbyid() to get the header view;

(3-2) find control: the header view calls findviewbyid() to get the control in the header view;

(3-3) set listening event: the obtained control calls setonclicklistener();

(4) set menu button to listen:

The navigationview object calls setnavigationitemselectedlistener(),

Pass in the navigationview. Onnavigationviewintemselectedlistener interface,

Override onnavigationitemselected() interface;

6、 Tablayout

1. Function: combined with viewpager to achieve linkage navigation effect;

2. Static attributes:

3. Dynamic use:

(1) Declare and instantiate tablayout, viewpager;

(2) Set the adapter for the viewpager control;

(3) Set the linkage between tablayout and viewpager:

(3-1) tablayout object calls setupwithviewpager() to pass in the viewpager object to be linked;

(3-2) in the adapter of custom viewpager, rewrite getpagetitle() to return the current title;

(3-3) tablayout object calls settabmode() and passes in tablayout.mode_ Scrollable constant, which sets the scrolling of tablayout;

7、 Nestedscrollview

1. Function: replace Scrollview;

2. Usage: the same as Scrollview, there can only be one child control inside;

8、 Toolbar

1. Function:

Note: when using the toolbar, the theme of the activity must be set to the noactionbar property value;

2. Use: the toolbar control must be placed in the appbarlayout control, and the appbarlayout is best placed in the coordinatorlayout control (collaborative layout);

3. Static attributes:

4. Dynamic method:

(4-1) declare and instantiate the toolbar control instance;

(4-2) set ActionBar to Toolbar: call setSupportActionBar () in the current Activity, and import the newly created Toolbar object;

(4-3) modify the current activity theme to noactionbar mode: set the property Android: theme = "@ style / theme. Appcompat. Noactionbar" under the current activity tag in the manifest file;

Note: the toolbar will be displayed only when the current activity theme is noactionbar;

9、 Collapsingtoolbar

1. Function: realize the folding effect of toolbar;

2. Use:

Collapsingtoolbar must be placed in appbarlayout,

Appbarlayout is best placed in the coordinatorlayout control of collaborative layout;

The toolbar is used as an unfolding control of collapsingtoolbar;

Note: there must be only two controls under the collapsingtoolbar control;

3. Static attributes:

4. Dynamic setting:

The content of this article comes from the network collection of netizens. It is used as a learning reference. The copyright belongs to the original author.
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