The problem of calling native Android jars encountered in xamarin.form (I) naming conflict during compilation
Principle description of official calling Java:
1. Baidu officially selects the function to download the SDK
2. Create Android binding library (xamarin)
3. Put the jar files in the SDK into jars
4. Select embeddedjar for the generation operation
5. Generate a project and report the following error
6. In the metadata.xml file in the transforms folder, add the following code to name the conflicting content and redefine the name.
Official documents:
Reference article: 31403321/article/details/79502182
1 <Metadata> 2 <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='Address']/field[@name='address']" 3 name="name">MyAddress</attr> 4 <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/class[@name='VersionInfo']/field[@name='VERSION_INFO']" 5 name="name">MyVersionInfo</attr> 6 <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/interface[@name='BaiduMap.OnMapStatuschangelistener']/method[@name='onMapStatusChangeStart' and count(parameter)=2 and parameter[1][@type=''] and parameter[2][@type='int']]" name="managedName">OnMapStatusChangeStart2</attr> 7 <attr path="/api/package[@name='']/interface[@name='OnGetPoiSearchResultListener']/method[@name='onGetPoiDetailResult' and count(parameter)=1 and parameter[1][@type='']]" name="managedName">OnGetPoiDetailResult2</attr> 8 </Metadata>
7. After completion, there is a generated DLL in bin for project to call.
Very comprehensive reference articles: 31403321/article/details/79489078